Weight: 166.5
Wow, I seem to have stabilized! AND survived the first round of Christmas food!
So in the past 13 days while I haven’t been blogging, my max weight has been 167. What I’ve done so far is go for really low carb fare. That means no bread, no cookies, no cereal, no grains. Most of my carbs have come from fruit, like oranges, frozen berries in protein shakes, and on occasion, bananas. I’ve also ventured into a spoonful of leftover cornbread stuffing and some refried beans. And I was convinced I’d shoot up.
On Thursday we had a potluck at our office. Many of the attendees are either vegan or gluten free and there were LOTS of desserts, rice and few low carb protein options. Well, I only gained a pound, I went from 166 to 167.
Yesterday I got onto the elliptical for 25 minutes and today I’m down by .5 pound. Also, I wasn’t really hungry after all that food the previous day and I didn’t eat my normal amount of food, I just went with protein / low carb when I did eat. In other words, I listened to my body and didn’t eat just because it was “time”.
I’m trying not to get overly confident. Mostly, I feel like I dodged a bullet, but then, I always feel that way. Sort of along the lines of “you don’t deserve to be thin”. Which is total crap.
(Notice the phrase “you”, not “I” ? That’s someone else talking, and I bought into it long ago).
Pure crap.