Saturday, April 14, 2012

VLCD 13 – 156.5

Down .5 today.

I hope I’m not getting into the phase of .5 a day…I’m greedy and want the 1 pound per day that I got the last round!

However, yesterday was a day without thyroid medicine, and today I didn’t get it from the pharmacy until 10am, so that may play a part.

I also attended a craft fair as a vendor today, and I was FREEZING the entire day.  I’m not sure if that’s good or bad, as this diet goes.  Guess I’ll find out tomorrow.

Friday, April 13, 2012

VLCD 12 - 157

Down .5 today.

I figured it wouldn't be a big loss after my 1.5 yesterday.  Hoping I'm not getting to that slowing down point.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

VLCD 11–157.5

Down 1.5 today!  Nice!

I've been hungry this round, but yesterday I swear I could feel the fat melting away, so the effort to stay on protocol was worth it!

I think I've found my sweet spot with my dose.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

VLCD 10 - 159

Only down .5 today.

Sorta disappointed…I mean, I actually passed up pizza at one of my user group meetings last night, and I was hungry, too!

But then, playing with the dose, and I had extra cheese sticks yesterday, too; neither probably helped.  I’m going to go with 160ml today.

BTW, cheese isn’t on protocol.  I use it as a substitution for the 1 TB of milk that’s allowed and eat it at breakfast.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

VLCD 9 – 159.5

Back down 1 pound, I was hoping for more…!

I worked out 34 minutes on the elliptical yesterday and really sweated and it felt great.  So, yeah, I was hoping more of that 2.5 pound gain would come off.  Well, I’m not going to cry about it!

I changed my dose of hcg and felt much better yesterday.  The math of it always confuses me, mostly because I haven’t had someone walk me through it on paper.  I’m all about the process, I can’t just read it.

Anyway, I have been on 200 units, which I thought I have been on all along.  Turns out I was on 100, which is below the recommended amount of 125 units.  I did really well last time on that but we adjusted the dose and I think it's made me much more sensitive to everything, especially my coffee, which has affected my blood sugar.  Or the feeling that my blood sugar is about to drop, and I just hate that feeling, so I try to manage it.

So, I tried 175 units yesterday and I’m going to adjust to 150 units today and see how that goes.  I need to find that sweet spot!  Of course, I’m hoping the savings in the dosage will help regain the progress I lost with this gain.  I’m hoping to get into the 140’s so I have some rebound room.  I’d like to stabilize at about 147.  That just seems like a really good number.

Monday, April 9, 2012

VLCD 8 – 160.5

Yes, I gained 2.5 pounds!!

I thought I’d gain, but WOW!

The best lesson here was that I wasn’t eating from boredom or gluttony, I was trying to feel better and made healthy food choices in doing so.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

VLCD 7 - 158

Yay!  It sure is nice to be at 158 again….and made yesterday’s experience of being on the verge of hunger all day worth it….sorta.

That being said, today was a very weird day…I got very hungry very quickly this morning by 10am and I had 2 eggs and some cheese.  It might have been the coffee, or it might be my higher dose of hcg this round.

I’ve felt off all day, so I finally broke down and made a fruit and protein powder shake with some cocoanut milk.  I also had peanut butter, honey and raisins on my WASA cracker.  More protein for dinner that normal.

Starting to feel better, REALLY hoping I didn’t mess up my weight loss momentum.  At least I wasn’t eating out of boredom.