Weight: 177.5
YES!! Another pound gone!
I’m sure the dosage increase had something to do with it …(duh)…! I’m so excited!
What I’ll have to do is use the first syringe worth of cream and then add the additional dosage, so it’s a really easy process. If I had thought to bring the pre-loaded syringes with me to work yesterday, the pharmacist would have loaded them to the correct dosage for me so it would have been even easier. Hmm, maybe I’ll have to re-think my previous post about whether or not I’d choose the shots over the cream if I had to do it over!
I’m not excited at the additional cost of the additional cream that will cover these last 12 days, though. It was about half of what I initially paid for 40 days worth! But, as the pharmacist pointed out, it’s about half the amount of what I initially received. That’s quite an increase!
I started going through my stash of “skinny pants”. You know, the ones I was wearing 2 years ago and was sure I’d never get back into but kept anyway. My quilter mentality is such that I could use them to make a denim quilt, so why get rid of them? Besides, “I might need them” again (a common phrase in my life!)
Now, my plan is that if they are still in the house that they will be my “fat pants”, rather than my “skinny pants”!