Saturday, December 18, 2010

R3P3D6 - 161

Weight: 161

My hubby's birthday was yesterday, and he took me out for lunch at the Chinese buffet (I am taking him out for dinner tonight).  I LOVE the crab rangoons, and decided to have 2 of them.  Then I also cheated with Mandarin oranges...who'd have ever thought that oranges would be a "cheat"?...and they were the best thing I ate yesterday!!  Oh, they were wonderful!

Then I had some ice cream at the staff meeting, but didn't over-indulge, kept to one serving.

Then at dinner I had 2 cocktails.

I gained 1.5 pounds, and I can tell my tummy is still full and/or bloated. 

In "real life", aka P4, I think that this would sort itself out and I would go on my way.  Today, however:

  • I will get on the elliptical (it just feels good to move!)
  • I will drink a ton of water
  • I will eat protein when I'm hungry (I can't go all day without eating as a regular steak day calls for).

Tonight I'm taking my hubby to a Brazilian meat place, so I'm hoping that will be OK, where they don't have a lot of sugar in the stuff they put on the meat, and that will serve as my “steak day” steak.

Oh, and the dog got me up at 4am, so I’m a bit short on sleep, too!  I have a quilt to get finished so I am up and may take a nap later on.

I'll let you know if I'm up again on Sunday...and crying!

Friday, December 17, 2010


Weight: 159.5

Last night I was going to change clothes after work.  Not remembering the size, I thought I'd wear a pair of stretch jeans that I got a year ago that are pretty cute, but just a tad short in the length to wear with anything but tennis shoes.

To my surprise, they HUNG on me!!

Turns out that they were about 2 sizes larger than I am now!  And I had been "saving" them in my drawer.  They immediately went into the donation pile I've got started.  Sorta sorry to see them go, as they are nice and don't have any worn spots.  I figure that someone who needs a nice pair of pants will snatch them up!

Oh, yeah, so far I am only .5 pounds above my LIW.  Even though P3 eating is divine, I'm really wanting more variety in my food, so I'm starting to scour my low carb cookbooks.  Send me any suggestions you have!

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Weight: 159.5

So, wanna hear something really cool?  I had my doctor's appointment on Tuesday, and, among other things that I am still sorting out, he told me that I can go down on my thyroid medicine!!  I am on a very high dose, and now that I am 50 pounds lighter, I just don't need that much!


I'm also a bit scared, though....the "what if" monster has come out of the scary monster closet.

"What if"....I have trouble resetting my metabolism on the lower dose of medicine?  I'm just now going into the lock-in phase?

"What if"....he's wrong?  I've been really cold lately and often feel like I did before, when my medicine wasn't at a high enough dose.

Those are some pretty big "what ifs"....but..."what if"....I was actually able to directly affect my health?  That's pretty powerful stuff!

Goes along with being scared of success, too, I suppose...and "being right"...and what that all entails....which is a blog for another time.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

R3P3D2 - 160

Weight: 160

I didn’t realize it’s been almost a week since my last post!  While I didn’t reach my goal weight of 155, I have to tell you that I made it to 157 on December 8th, which was a grand total of 51 pounds for the year!!  That is one pound away from a 25% reduction in my total body weight!!

Thursday, December 9th was my last injection, and Friday, December 10th was a Christmas party…and I had two desserts!

So, I gained a pound, but that home made pecan pie was totally worth it!…although, 4 days later, I am beginning to doubt that!

While I am a bit disappointed that I’m back to 160 after my first low carb day, I am not surprised.  I don’t have a flat tummy in the first place, but my stomach is not quite as flat as it was.  There could be multiple causes, so I’m monitoring it.

I already know that I want to get rid of another 10 pounds.  I think this is an attainable goal, one I will re-asses in March.  My goal is to get more fit and re-shape my body through cardio on the elliptical and my Pilates DVDs, and I’m hoping I can get rid of the weight by just working out.  If I haven’t made much headway by then, I’ll do a 4th round, maybe using the homeopathic drops.  After this week’s Christmas quilt deadlines are reached, I will start increasing the frequency and level of my exercise; it just feels good to move!!

Oh, another thing I’ve noticed…I think I need to get new orthotics.  My feet and ankles have been sore after wearing my tennis shoes with my orthotics, where they have not been sore when I wear my Dansko’s.  It sure makes sense, having reduced the amount of pressure by whatever physics equation is applicable!

I probably won’t be posting as often during the holidays, but the reason I started this blog was because I couldn’t find any information on “life after hcg” when I first decided to go this route.  I want to be that resource for other people in the same situation.