Weight: 176.4
I was a bit hungrier Thursday, so I upped my dose slightly and I did much better all day. I didn’t “measure” how much more, I just added a couple more notches on the barrel of the needle, so it’s probably about 180 units or so now.
I also was up early and got in a 20 minute elliptical workout, and was able to stretch. My back feels better….stiff, but better.
Work has been especially stressful recently, and my doctor isn’t enthusiastic about me going through a round right now, he said it might not be very effective. While I recognize his concerns, this is one area in my life right now that I feel have control over in making myself comfortable.
I’m having such a struggle with self confidence right now, mostly because of the issues at work. Having gained back 25-30 pounds doesn’t help, either, then add in that I have no clothes that fit properly so that I’m always tugging at them and uncomfortable. I thought about getting some larger sized clothes at the thrift store, but I haven’t because 1) I hate clothes shopping in the first place 2) I don’t want bigger clothes (can we say “denial” here?) 3) It takes time, and money, I don’t have to replace an entire wardrobe.
OK, so as I’m reading what I wrote, that sounds like a boat-load of excuses. 
In any event, I really need to get this weight off, because I’m starting to spiral again into an attitude of not caring, and that’s when things go from bad to worse. This makes me really focus, when the last thing I want to do is focus. It’s easy to just eat myself into a drunken haze, but that’s exactly what I need to avoid.
This, too, shall pass.