Saturday, November 6, 2010

R3P3VLCD6 – 170

Weight: 170

Yesterday I decreased my dosage dramatically, from 200ml to 125ml and I dropped 2.5 pounds!  OMG!!  ;-)

Now, like one of my SparkPeople group members says, it may take awhile before my system really knows that I changed the dosage, so it may be hard to really attribute the decrease to the lower dosage, but it sure was encouraging!

Yesterday I also was extremely tired because I had stayed up too late sewing two nights in a row, even later the second night.  So, on top of being tired, I was stressed, cold, and about the same kind of hungry as I have been the past few days. 

So....who knows?  I'm just thrilled, though!

Downward, ho…and GO BRONCOS!!…playing against Hawaii today at 1:30pm MST.

Friday, November 5, 2010

R3P2VLCD5 – 172.5

Weight: 172.5

So, I was more hungry yesterday and I’ve been contemplating lowering my dose, from 200cc to 125cc, to try to fix that.

I’ve heard that if the dose is too high, it can also be detrimental to the reduction process, as well as make you hungry, so I’m going to try it.  Got nothing to lose but more fat! ;-)

I also have to say I’m a bit disappointed that it seems to take me a week’s worth of injections to get to where I’m actually starting to make progress towards my goals.

But I didn’t cheat, and that’s something!  All day long people were eating candy and snacks.  Then, after work, I went to Costco to help my hubby with the grocery list and boy, did EVERYTHING look good!  I did not take any samples, and the only thing I brought home that was not on the list was a package of pretty wool socks and a 1 lb tub of organic baby spinach, which I had with my dinner and was delish!

I just have to stay focused.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

R3P2VLCD4 – 173.5

Weight: 173.5

I am 5 pounds above my LIW from round 2 at 173.5 and it's about where I was hanging out as a stabilized weight.  So, since I seem to be moving towards the 1 pound per day statistic, it appears that I am beyond the load weight increase and working on "real" fat. 

I'm feeling a bit bloated, impatient, annoyed and disappointed with myself for not following P3 more closely during my break, no matter what the “good” reason ... I want to be starting in the 160's not the high 170's!

I've heard that if the dose of hCG is too high, you can be hungry, just as if the dose is too low.  I've been considering lowering the dose, as I've been hungry in the morning and mid afternoon.  Not so much at dinner time, though...I think that's due to having a snack around 3pm followed by a lot of water.  I'm going to have to come up with a different eating strategy, I think.  I'll have to work around my work schedule though, of course.

Interestingly, when I look in the mirror, I don't really see the "new me" I still see the big stomach.  Less weight in that area will help, but that is really a mentality thing and I need to work on well as get my butt up in the morning and get on the elliptical.  This is a journey towards fitness, not just a number on the scale, and it would probably make me feel better, too.

Onward, ho!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

R2P2D3 – 174.5

Weight: 174.5

How can I be disappointed with a 1.5 pound drop?  I can't really, but I sometimes wonder if I load too well?  I'm not even back to my "real" beginning weight...but then again, I was up from that, too.

I am thinking I will definitely be doing longer than 23 days this time.  My hubby would like me to be off P2 during Thanksgiving, but really, it's not much different than we eat now, and I still wouldn't be able to have the stuffing.  It'll be fine, and the end result will be so worth it.

I have to say, though, that I have been hungry the last 2 days.  I'm adding in more veggies so I can have them for snacks.  That's a good alternative habit for when I'm not on hCG, too.

I also ended up with another UTI and went to the doctor this morning.  I am thankful for having insurance and being able to take care of myself.  So, it was sort of a stressful day, and after dinner I went up and sewed my Block of the Month block for guild.  Touching fabric always reduces my stress...and now I'd better get my butt to bed!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

R3P2D2 - 176

Weight: 176

I did really well on my food intake yesterday and wasn't hungry for most of the day, only a bit just before lunch, in an appropriate manner.  I even had one of those "I'm not even near 500 calories" days...which NEVER happens to me!  So, I enjoyed a microwaved baked apple with stevia and cinnamon, and I was still low.  I'm wondering if the number of carbs is a factor; I'll have to read Pounds and Inches again.

It was sure nice to see the scale down this morning, and I hope it goes down just as quickly tomorrow, too.  I start counting the days ahead, planning on what weight I'll be when...bad habit, for sure!  The only upside is trying to plan for company coming and Thanksgiving, as I may need to continue past Thanksgiving to reach my goal, where I had initially planned to be in P3 by then.

In any event, it's a small bump in the road, because we don't have a lot of starchy food items at Thanksgiving...but the ones we have sure count!...and I need to stay focused on the "now".

Monday, November 1, 2010

R3P2VLCD1…Finally! - 179

Weight: 179

Wow, I couldn't believe the scale when I stepped on it this morning!  Five whole pounds in ONE day!

I didn't have this type of gain on either of my other rounds...maybe this is a good sign?  I sure hope so!  While I know I'll drop this increase very quickly, it sure didn't feel good psychologically to see that number again.  Sorta creepy...appropriate, given it's just past Halloween, eh?...and I never want to see that number on my scale again.

Everything must be working correctly, though, because not only did I gain, I am not in the least bit hungry this morning and even the idea of food isn't appealing.  So, here's to getting rid of the last 15-20 pounds that are in the way of my optimum self.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Round 3 – 175; Reporting on Load Day 2, Starting Load Day 3

Weight: 175

I didn't eat a lot yesterday, but apparently what I ate counted!

I entered my food intake as best I could remember, as well as guess at, since the donut shop is one of the local ones and the nutritional information was unavailable in the database...and I got in 2616 calories and 145 grams of fat.

So, here's what I ate:

2 Eggs
Peanut Butter
2 pcs Gluten free bread - Honey Multigrain
Low carb pudding recipe made with Heavy Whipping Cream

8 oz rib eye steak

Haagen-Dazs Vanilla Swiss Almond ice cream
Dunkin Donuts Glazed Donut
Chocolate mousse - low carb, made with heavy whipping cream
Snickers - mini candy bar

And I only gained a pound!?!

Interestingly, while I know that people eat like this all the time, I just can't imagine doing this all the time myself.  Notice the dearth of veggies and fruit.  Even the Snickers and donut didn't have any appeal.  The Haagen-Dazs, well, that's another story!

Today is another load day, and tomorrow is the beginning of the journey to a new body weight and new self discovery.