Weight: 159.5
So, wanna hear something really cool? I had my doctor's appointment on Tuesday, and, among other things that I am still sorting out, he told me that I can go down on my thyroid medicine!! I am on a very high dose, and now that I am 50 pounds lighter, I just don't need that much!
I'm also a bit scared, though....the "what if" monster has come out of the scary monster closet.
"What if"....I have trouble resetting my metabolism on the lower dose of medicine? I'm just now going into the lock-in phase?
"What if"....he's wrong? I've been really cold lately and often feel like I did before, when my medicine wasn't at a high enough dose.
Those are some pretty big "what ifs"....but..."what if"....I was actually able to directly affect my health? That's pretty powerful stuff!
Goes along with being scared of success, too, I suppose...and "being right"...and what that all entails....which is a blog for another time.
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