Saturday, May 7, 2011

R5VLCD5 - 157

Weight: 157

I’m officially past my LIW!

I’m really pleased, too, because I’m at the beginning of this round and I have my sights on the 140’s!

I’ve really not been hungry, either, although today we worked in the yard and the landscaper came by to rototill the garden at 11.  I ate lunch at 10:30 because I knew I wanted to start planting right away, as it’s supposed to rain tomorrow, possibly even tonight.

With such an early meal, I saved my lunch for a snack, only to find that I only had apples and oranges at my disposal.  In the first round, I discovered that oranges make me stall; either that, or I was already eating too much.  Well, I decided to try it, and ate a small orange at 1pm, as I wanted to save my apple for my late evening snack.

I was really proud of myself when, at 3pm, I was needing another snack and water wasn’t working; I heated up some asparagus, added seasonings, and had a very healthy snack.  I didn’t even consider anything off protocol!

I’m pretty tired tonight, though, so I’ll have to wait for the outcome.  It’s supposed to be rainy and windy tomorrow, and I plan to work on the computer and quilt.

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