Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 38

Weight: 174.5

I’m not surprised I haven’t lost, with a period going on.  At least I haven’t gained!  But I was a bit hungry last night so had more chicken before I went to bed.

I heard back from the nurse at the clinic and she said not to worry about the calories, just the list of food, and suggested that I eat more protein if I’m hungry.  Hence the chicken.  I also got a tablespoon of peanut butter…while watching Oprah talk about the new “food” book she’s promoting, Women Food and God: An Unexpected Path to Almost Everything by Geneen Roth!  At least I was paying attention and I really was hungry!

I hope I can at least maintain this weight through a period.  I really have my doubts about being able to lose any more, especially with the limited amount of time I have left.

Why is it that, while I know my belly is smaller, it just still looks gigantic to me?  I think my mind is playing tricks on me, like the anorexics, because I am seriously considering that I have more than 10 pounds to lose.  That’s one problem with focusing on BMI charts and calorie lists, especially with a larger frame.  I have never been one to fit into the middle end of their charts, which say I should be about 155 pounds.  I guess that will be something to deal with in the next round.

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