Friday, November 26, 2010

R3P2VLCD26 – 163

Weight: 163

Wow!  That's what getting some sleep will do!  Today is the first day that I’ve slept in this whole week, and I’ve had the week off.

I now, officially, have a "healthy" BMI, I am no longer in the "overweight" category!!

I dropped 1.5 pounds from yesterday, and that was with more coconut oil than I had planned, because my shrimp were going to burn, and a couple of bites of corn bread stuffing.  And you, know, as good as the stuffing was, I really didn't want more.  Just didn't want it.  Nice!

I finished a quilt last night, so have to look it over this morning to make sure I did a good job on it, as I finished late.  Assuming it's OK I can drop both of them off to the customer on my way to the fabric store where they are, of course, having a fabulous sale on fleece that I can't pass up.  I normally do not do ANY Black Friday shopping, it's just ridiculous.  But the fleece is $1.99/yard, when it's normally $7.99/yard!

I'm also going to see about a netbook for my mom.  My brother and I will go in on it and I found a great deal, so we'll see if there are any left.

Then, it's back to the sewing room.  I have 2 tops to put together in the next 3 weeks, in addition to finishing my mom's (just needs borders) and then to quilt all three.  So, I'll be a busy gal!

Hopefully so busy that I won't want to cheat, especially since I can practically feel that goal now!

Woo Hoo!!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.

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