Drinking the fiber in the morning seems to be working pretty well. I was away from my desk all day today and didn’t have a problem waiting to get to my lunch just a bit after 11 am. I do normally like to eat about 11:30, sometimes much earlier, so this was good, and I wasn’t raving starving, which is even better!
Some hard core dieters would probably have thought, well, duh! Of course you use fiber to curb your appetite while dieting. My take on that is 1) the hCG is supposed to make it so your not hungry so this methodology shouldn’t even have to be used, and, I’m told, most people don’t have the hunger I’ve had and 2) I am not a hard core dieter. My answer to hunger is…well…to EAT! ;-)
Today, as I’m nearing the end of my 40 day course, I’m assessing what might be left to lose afterwards. I can pinch an inch around my waist right now, and I’ve always been told the rule of thumb is that 1” equals about 10 pounds. So, I can see a very strong possibility of doing a second round in October. At least then it will only be a 23 day round! Can you tell I’m already psyching myself up? :-)
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