Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 34

Weight: 175.5

Yay!  Another pound down the drain.  That makes 3 pounds since last Friday!

Yesterday was a great day as far as not being hungry goes, and that lead to keeping my calorie count down, too.

I have decided that I will continue the hCG cream until it is gone, which will probably extend beyond 40 days.  Two reasons factor into this decision.
The first is that the prescription expires in August, and I’m certain that it will not keep until October, if I need to do another round.  I can check on that, though.

Second, the protocol is self limiting in that Dr. Simeon’s manuscript states that when a person goes into hCG immunity they become very hungry and they don’t lose weight (or the weight they do lose is essential fat) and they look drawn, not healthy.

So, if that is the case, I will know if the medication is effective or not and can then begin the correct transition into the lock-in phase.  I am SO close, I really want to just finish in this round!

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