Friday, November 4, 2011

R6P2VLCD19 –157

Another .5 down.

Either the loss is simply slowing, or I need to be more diligent about my portions!  Maybe a combination of both.  Either way, as my DH says, getting rid of .5 until Thanksgiving will certainly add up, and I’d be in the 140’s by then…and that’s where I want to be!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

R6P2VLCD18 – 157.5

Down another pound!

Entered my weight into MyFitnessPal and got the nice feedback that, from my starting weight last year, I've lost 50 pounds!

Now, if I only hadn't gained back XX number of pounds along the journey!  Ha!  Still have about 10-15 more to go.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

R6P2VLCD14 - 160

Same weight today.

Not too surprising, I didn’t drink quite enough water yesterday, I never do when I’m home because I’m always busy!

I’ve also stayed at this weight for awhile in the past, so that might be part of it.  I’m still amazed, though, that I’ve lost 10 pounds in the last 13 days.  That does include loading weight, but still, I was in that range before my trip.

My goal is to maintain at 145, so I still have 15 more pounds to go, plus a couple of wiggle room pounds.

I can do it!