Thursday, November 11, 2010

R3P2VLCD11 – 168: Officially 40 Pounds Gone!

Weight: 168

It's official!  Today, at 168 pounds, I have shed a total of 40 pounds since April 15, 2010.  I am shocked and amazed, both at the accomplishment and the reality that I was that heavy.  I've got between 10-15 more pounds to go for this phase of my transformation, but yesterday was a very interesting day in that regard.

I was walking across campus, wearing my Danskos and new jeans.  The jeans are still tight in the waist, but fit everywhere else and, for once, are long enough to hit mid-shoe!  The legs are the skinny style, of which I'm not overly fond, but they don't look half bad.  And I started thinking to myself, this is pretty much what I will look like when I've gotten rid of the extra weight.

Now, that might seem strange, or obvious, but heavy people always wonder what they'll look like, almost as if we are talking about another person.  I guess, actually, we are talking about another person, because it's so hard to relate to that other "perfect" version of oneself; you know, the one who has the great life with no problems because s/he isn't fat.  After all, that is the reason we have problems....right?

Yesterday was the first day I wasn't hungry and didn't really think about wanting to eat.  Well, except at dinner, when we ate later than usual.  I decided to try the gum trick, where I would be more conscious of trying to put something in my mouth when I'm chewing gum as I prepared my meal.  That worked pretty well, and since I'd had a glass of water beforehand, I realized that I wasn't actually starving.  The problem was more of an anxiety / urgency to eat, which I've dealt with for a long time.   After cleaning up, I had more urges to cheat, but since I wasn't actually hungry, I was able to talk to my inner child gently, but firmly, and just got myself away from the kitchen.

I'm glad I did.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

R3P2VLCD10 – 169

Weight: 169

As things go, I can't complain about staying the same weight.  Well, I could, but that is just counter-productive.

I'll just keep focusing on taking each step at a time.  It'll come off.  Maybe not as fast as I want it to, but ultimately, it will come off, and I’m so close to my goal now, I just can’t let go of that.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

R3P2VLCD9 – 169

Weight: 169

Woo Hoo!  I am now officially back into the 160's!!

Was it the extra protein?  Or the increase in hCG?  Or both?  Do I dare try extra protein again today?

Oh, questions, questions!

So, what I planned out for today is:

1) Another great veggie medley breakfast, but I am not planning to add eggs this morning; they are a once-in-awhile type of protein, anyway.

2)  Usual chicken and salad for lunch, trying fish tacos for dinner (they have NEVER sounded good!!)

2) Obviously, I'll stay at the higher 200ml dosage, no more bouncing around.

All part of the "what if" game, but IF I hadn't messed around with my dosage, would I now be 2 pounds further ahead??

Oh, being cheap sure does bite me in the butt!  Oh, wait, it wasn't just trying to extend out the amount of hCG that I have (if I can get by with a lower dose, then I don't have to buy so much to stay on it longer OR maybe I don't have to buy any more at all!) , I was hungry this time at the higher dose and trying to see if lowering the dose could help with that.  Actually, that was my main motivation, but the cheap bug crept in there, too!

I was still cold yesterday, didn't take my sweatshirt off all day, and when I got home turned up the heat 2 degrees....THAT helped!  I slept in this morning, so no elliptical today, but planning on it tomorrow and Friday.  I really want to get that habit established to a "no-brainer" level.

Downward ho!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

R3P2VLCD8 – 171 and Trying Something New

Weight: 171

Well, I was at least HOPING I'd drop back to 170....but I supposed that is the price for cheating so badly on Sunday.  At least I didn't gain!

I tried something new yesterday, I used some coconut oil and fried up a veggie medley with peppers, onions, mushrooms, spinach and cauliflower, seasoning it with nutmeg, basil, salt, and pepper for breakfast.  It was REALLY good!

So, this morning, since I had gotten up early and realized I was probably going to be biting my fingernails with hunger by mid-morning , I decided to try it again.  Only this morning I forgot about the cauliflower (this is what happens when I try to do something impromptu) and I used 2 eggs to make an omelet.  I know, we're only supposed to have 1 egg and 3 egg whites, but I had 2 eggs in the carton and I hate wasting the egg yolks.

I am thinking that maybe I can stretch out my protein a bit more than in 2 meals a day; I am a big breakfast eater and really miss having something with which to start my day.  I couldn't believe how incredibly full I was after breakfast!  Almost too full!

So, at mid-morning I'm doing pretty well, hunger-wise (after I swig a bunch of water).  I'm a little worried about smaller protein portions at dinner, but I am planning on a fish taco sort of recipe tonight.  Not that I know how to make fish tacos, or that they even sound good (eww!) but that's the plan.

I've also gone back up on my hCG dosage; yesterday I did 175ml and today I went back to my original 200ml.  I'm still cold, but I'm hoping that will dissipate by being back on the higher dosage.

So, we'll see what happens with all of these changes.  Eggs are only a once in awhile thing, but I can see having the veggie medley for breakfast every day!  Yumm!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

R3P2VLCD7 - 171

Weight: 171

I've been totally freezing this round, as well as hungry.  Yesterday I just cracked and totally went off protocol.  Not "bad"  food, I didn't go and eat a bunch of cookies or Snickers, but it was definitely not on P2 protocol.  I just couldn't get full or warm.

Boy, did I luck out!  I only gained one pound.

Usually I attribute being cold to my low thyroid, but my medication is now adjusted properly and I haven't had this happen for quite awhile.  I just saw this morning that several other people on the hCG Support group are having the same problem, so maybe it's the time of year and our natural "hibernation" tendencies.

In any case, this can't continue.  I can't go around feeling cold and hungry and I won't go around feeling guilty!  That's a life choice that I work on every day.  So, this morning I did 20 mins on the elliptical, as I usually warm up if I "prime the pump" so to speak, and get my metabolism re-started.

I'm also going to start taking a niacin or B supplement, as was suggested by another Sparker, and I think that's a great idea.

Onward ho!