Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Weight: 181

Total loss so far is 9.5 pounds.

I think my body is working on breaking through a setpoint, as I've stayed this weight for awhile recently.  I was more hungry today than I expected and had to make a couple of adjustments, but I'm determined and I'm sticking to the diet.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

P2D3 - 185.5

Weight:  185.5

I'm doing pretty well this round.

I haven't really been hungry and work has been busy so it's been pretty easy to take each part of the day as it comes.  I had a bit of stressful news at work today, but that didn't phase me; even if it had, I had no food left for the afternoon!  Ha!  How's that for planning?

Monday, January 12, 2015

P2D1 - 190.5

Weight: 190.5

Today is the start of my first VLCD for this round.  I only gained 2.5 pounds during the load, which I'm thrilled with.

I first started this blog because I couldn't find out any information about how long lasting the results of losing weight with hCG would be.  Well, now I feel I have a pretty good handle on that question.

The short answer is, it depends.  It depends on what you're willing to do to maintain it.  Eat well, rest, exercise, don't eat or drink to excess.  Those are all common sense actions that we've heard a million times.  And it's true.

What hCG allowed for me was to find out, for the very first time as an adult, what it would be like to have a normal, even slender, figure.  I can tell you I felt absolutely amazing at my lowest weight.  So, how did I gain it back?

I fell for the idea that just because I didn't gain weight right away, like I had when I ate something before, that my body would tolerate the stress.  It does, for awhile, but eventually something gives.  And slowly, I returned to many of my former habits.  Not all of them, mind you, just the ones that, apparently, count.

So, I'm starting another round because I've gained back 40 pounds over the last 3 years.  I maintained for about 2 years.  Then, in 2012, I took a new, very sedentary, job and I put on 20 pounds over 2 years.  This last year I went on vacation in May and after that my weight shot up another 15-20 pounds in 6 months.  I know, because that's when I ate a LOT of ice cream because "I'm on vacation".

So, I'm back at this again because I need to turn this train around.  Exercise and eating well are essential for health and well being, but they weren't doing anything to help in this situation.  Even well tuned machines need tuneups.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

P3D24 - 168

Weight:  168

See, I get all confident and look what happens!

Well, I think I did OK on food yesterday in that I had pretty much the same food I’ve had in the last few days.  However, stayed up pretty late working on a quilt project, and I also made gluten free cookies from a box (I’ve been craving sweets) and I ate quite a few.

This morning I’m also really tired, and really puffy….the bags under my eyes look puffy, which isn’t usual for me.

What I should do is get on the elliptical this morning.  I might…after I go back to bed and get a nap.

Saturday, December 21, 2013


Weight: 166.5

Wow, I seem to have stabilized!  AND survived the first round of Christmas food!

So in the past 13 days while I haven’t been blogging, my max weight has been 167.  What I’ve done so far is go for really low carb fare.  That means no bread, no cookies, no cereal, no grains.  Most of my carbs have come from fruit, like oranges, frozen berries in protein shakes, and on occasion, bananas. I’ve also ventured into a spoonful of leftover cornbread stuffing and some refried beans.  And I was convinced I’d shoot up.

On Thursday we had a potluck at our office.  Many of the attendees are either vegan or gluten free and there were LOTS of desserts, rice and few low carb protein options.  Well, I only gained a pound, I went from 166 to 167.

Yesterday I got onto the elliptical for 25 minutes and today I’m down by .5 pound.  Also, I wasn’t really hungry after all that food the previous day and I didn’t eat my normal amount of food, I just went with protein / low carb when I did eat.  In other words, I listened to my body and didn’t eat just because it was “time”.

I’m trying not to get overly confident.  Mostly, I feel like I dodged a bullet, but then, I always feel that way.  Sort of along the lines of “you don’t deserve to be thin”.  Which is total crap.

(Notice the phrase “you”, not “I” ?  That’s someone else talking, and I bought into it long ago).

Pure crap.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

R9P3D12 – 166.5

Weight: 166.5

I’ve been sick with swollen glands the past 3 days, and I’m tired of it!

I’m not inclined to exercise when I’m sick, but my back is sore from sitting and now I’m up a whole pound, too.

Crabby? You betchya!