Saturday, September 11, 2010

Trip Summary

Weight: 176

In the past week I’ve gone from 183 to 176.  What a wild ride!

I flew to New Hampshire to visit family (those kids sure grow fast, don’t they?), I signed up for a quilt conference, I’ve gone to a Washington Nationals baseball game against the New York Mets, then off to the Boise State vs. Virginia Tech football game, where I yelled myself hoarse, BTW, and now I have a cold.  Ugh to that!

In that whole experience, I exercised once (boy, did that feel good!) and ate what I would call one really good meal; it was a pound of Gulf Coast shrimp, steamed, with a side of steamed broccoli, and I felt the best after that meal.  I didn’t get nearly as much water as I had intended, on any day.

I did not take a scale with me on the trip so I was shocked that I was over 180, but I certainly didn’t expect to be at 176 today.  My chiropractor was right, it was mostly water weight.

I’m getting ready to start the protocol again on Wednesday.  This time I’m doing the shots.  I’m not looking forward to sticking myself, but I’ll get through it; if it goes better than before then I’ll only have to do one round.  I have another 20 pounds to get rid of and this time will be a short 21+3 (24) day round.  I looked back on my previous stats and I had lost about 13 pounds in 20 days last time, so I’m looking to do at least the same this time.

I’ve been really busy since school started.  I’m making a concerted effort to keep a realistic To Do List, though, and that is keeping me sane.  Interestingly, as much as I love gadgets, I love my paper lists.

This cold, however, has me in a low energy mode and I need to get at least one Bronco quilt done this weekend, pickling some cucumbers, working on paperwork and getting ready for my quilt conference, not to mention trying to get a lot of sleep…and I still seem to be on East coast time, so I have been waking up at 3am.  I have no time for being sick!