Saturday, December 17, 2011

R7P2VLCD22 – 151.5

My hubby had rotator cuff repair surgery on Friday.

The surgery itself went well, but as the nerve block wore off he had a rough night. I got overly hungry getting his prescription on the way home, too, and ate his some of his Ritz crackers, then later on, trail mix.  No, I did not need the trail mix.  It was there.

So, neither of us got much sleep, in between the pain, the worry, and getting up every couple of hours to make sure he got his pain meds.

The damage?  Only up .5, which I’m very thankful for.  Usually, a cheat like this will add 2-3 pounds, and cause a week long stall.  Now, I’m hoping I didn’t create a stall!

The meds are helping and his pain is much less today.  I’ll still hover, worry and fuss until I can tell he really is OK, so I suppose that will mean little rest for me for a bit.  I’m just going to try to minimize the damage that all this stress does to my weight goal.

Thanks for the prayers, they are appreciated!

Friday, December 16, 2011

R7P2VLCD21 - 151

Down 1.5 today!

I was out with DH yesterday shopping for a recliner for after his shoulder surgery (he still thinks he won't need it, silly man!)

I had 2 hard boiled eggs for breakfast (not exactly protocol) and took my celery with me for a snack while we were out shopping.  I and had that, but truly wasn't hungry, so didn't eat until dinner.  Had an 8 ounce sirloin steak (again, not exactly protocol, if you count the amount of protein), some veggies, an apple and my WASA cracker for dinner.

Taking my lunch with me so I have it in case I want it while I'm in the waiting room.

Focusing, focusing, focusing!

Thursday, December 15, 2011


.5 up this morning, that's the damage from my stress-related cheating yesterday.

Hoping that is the only damage, not the long term "you can't lose it for a week" impact.  Can't worry about that now...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

R7P2VLCD19 - 152

Still the same.

I was sorta bummed until I looked at the previous weeks postings on my calendar, and the week before that.  Even though I’m stalled at this weight for the past 4 days, I am still 1.5 pounds lighter than last week, and 3.5 pounds lighter than the week before that.

I really need to focus on staying on task, and not worrying about it.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

R7P2VLCD18 - 152

Gained .5 from yesterday.

I totally thought I was on track, I was even a bit hungry in the afternoon, but entered my calories all at once in the evening, and I was really shocked that it was almost 800!

So, that pretty well explains it, huh? ;-)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

R7P2VLCD17 – 151.5

Actually, I’m surprised I lost any today.

Yesterday, I went golfing with my DH in 23 degree weather.  I was totally frozen when we got back, and I had a brandy to warm up.  Not the smartest move, and not on protocol!  In hindsight, hot tea would’ve worked better.

So, would I have been down even further?  Will it have an impact on my overall loss?

We’ll see….