Saturday, November 2, 2013

R9P2 – Day 1 – 177.5

Weight:  177.5

Today is my first injection day.  I’m supposed to eat normally.

So, I mostly did, but I went too long for lunch and had a chimichanga from Wal-Mart and some ice cream.  That isn’t part of my normal diet, but I’m getting a head start on loading.

A friend of mine says she starts with the high fat foods on the very same day as her first injection, but after re-reading the protocol, and thinking about it, I thought it made sense to actually start loading on the 2nd day; your body doesn’t know what to do with the calories on the first day.

My belly is way to big and I can’t fit into any of my clothes anymore.  I hate this big lump around my waist.  My hubby isn’t crazy about me doing the diet again, but I have to do something.  I know I need to work out consistently, but that wasn’t helping even when I was doing it.  And I need to reset my mind about what just eating normally means.

I’ve also got a big birthday coming up, and want to look better for that.  So, here I go again.