Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Phase 3 – Day 12

Weight: 175

I was pretty pleased, but not surprised, to see I’d dropped .5 pound.  Yay for me!  That's only .5 pounds over the max weight limit of my LIW.

I really felt very steady and stable,  hunger-wise, yesterday.  I am completely convinced it is the coconut milk.  In combination with taking away a craving for sugar, I had a fairly stressful day yesterday, and I did not have any inclination to pick at food or eat sugar.  For that, I am really proud of myself.

I did, however, have a piece of low carb chocolate cheese cake after dinner.  I gave it a lot of thought as I don't want to reinforce eating something as a reward after a stressful day but decided it was simply dessert.

Today's challenge is a cross workgroup potluck BBQ.  I made a huge batch of coleslaw, which is low-carb, and I am taking a tuna salad with hard-boiled eggs and other crunchy vegetables to add to my salad.  If I see another meat option I may try that, but for the most part I think I'll be covered with my contingency food.

After work, I may be going to Alive After Five which is another food challenge, but depending on the options available at the BBQ I may save my tuna salad for dinner and eat before I go.  One nice outcome of this diet is that I find I really don't need as much food as I thought I did before.  Therefore, saving even a small amount of my lunch or dinner will work out just fine.

Another challenge for today is that I'm really tired and I still have the same stressful situation at work.  My plan yesterday was to take some very aromatic tea to work and have that that in the afternoon if I was looking for a treat, and I may do that today, as well.  By the way, I didn't have the tea yesterday because I wasn’t looking for a treat.

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