Wednesday, December 29, 2010

R3–Third week of P3–161.5

Weight: 161.5

I am up over my LIW by 4.5 pounds, in this last week of P3.  However, for the past 3 days I have been rock solid at this weight!  I've not been counting calories or adding my food to Spark, although I think that's a great idea and a habit I want to get back to.

I'm not entirely sure if being up by 5 pounds is my former bad eating habits and the "whew, I can finally eat" syndrome, or my body just naturally adjusting back to that weight.  Maybe...probably...a combination of both.

I've done the elliptical once this week and can feel I need to do it again, but my current excuse (yes, it's an excuse) is that I'm trying to maximize the rest of the next 5 days I have off and there is plenty to do; seems I get a pretty late start when I get up at 7am, then exercise, then get myself cleaned up and have breakfast...the day is half over!  Ha!  I crack myself up!

So, what am I doing?  Well, I've been planning to clear off my desk for the past 4 days, and doing a pretty good job of avoiding tackling it again today.

Procrastination is probably one of my biggest, addressing this bad habit is going to go hand in hand with my "de-cluttering" focus.  I started de-cluttering some of my small piles last year, and it felt great, then I stopped when I got busy with school, dieting, and working on other projects.

Now I am considering it as an extension of my "makeover"...I've gotten rid of almost 50 pounds, now I'm going to get rid of paper piles and the procrastination that seems to breed them.

Today I even came up with a way to mentally re-frame some of the weekly tasks I need to do which are part of this problem...I am going to "put my house in order" one day each week.  Sunday after brunch is my currently planned time, one that isn't likely to get rescheduled and has the most likelihood of success.

There's more on this to-do list, but I need to get back to "the abyss"....

Thursday, December 23, 2010

R3P3D11–Size 12!

Weight: 162

Yesterday I put on my skinny know, the size 14 stretch jeans that I bought in July that I kept making excuses for as to why I was able to wear such a small size (they've got lycra in them, after all!)  After I washed them, I was concerned that they were creating a bit of a muffin top around my mid-section that I hadn't noticed before washing, so I've only worn them with loose fitting shirts.   I detest muffin tops!

So, yesterday when I put them on, I thought they felt sort of loose.  Mind you, I'm not the same size all over, I still have extra fat around my middle where the rest of me is fairly lean, even if not toned.  My hubby used to call me his Reubenesque woman, and the description really fit.  So, I'm just a smaller version of that now.

Since I still need all sorts of new sized clothing, I stopped into the thrift store.  I'm still adjusting to going to the correct location on the rack, but since now I know I fit into a 14, it's easier to start there.  Well,  I tried on several pairs of size 12 jeans (I still can't get over having a selection!) and found one that fit me I bought my first pair of size 12 jeans as an adult!!

Last time I remember wearing a size 12 was literally in 6th grade....and that was 34 years ago! 

I have to keep reminding myself that not all sizes are created equally, just as when I was trying on larger sizes.  After wearing a couple of the other sized 14 jeans that I recently got, they aren't especially comfortable, the cut is wrong, so I'll trade them in and get something different.  That doesn't mean that size is wrong, it's the cut that's wrong, and as a seamstress, I truly know this!

The weird part? I am up 5 pounds over LIW, but I'm wearing a smaller size...huh??

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Eating out during P3…and the consequences!

Weight: 162.5 I feel stuffed!...and not really in a good way.  I'm still full from last night's dinner out!

I took my hubby to Tucanos, a Brazilian all-you-care-to-eat restaurant that is known for serving meat.  We've wanted to go since they opened, about 3 years ago.  We just never go out to's too expensive, too many food items contain ingredients I have reactions to, like canola oil, and too many calories.

So, I wanted to take him out for his birthday, and I thought it would be a great place because it would be Atkins friendly.  And it was....but I also had food not listed on the protocol.  That's OK, it was his birthday, I was willing to take the consequences.

Considering how much food I ate, I'm a little surprised that I'm only up 1.5 pounds.  Add that to the 1 pound from Friday, and, well, it starts adding up.  Today I am 3.5 pounds over LIW.  Not crazy about that, and certainly don't feel comfortable, but I think that's the whole point.

I'm not comfortable, and I'll do something about it.  At almost 163 pounds, rather than 183 pounds.

I did 34 minutes on the elliptical yesterday morning, and felt great about that.  If we hadn't gone out to dinner, I am pretty sure I would have been at 160 today.  I'll continue adding exercise in to my routine, but not today.  I have a huge quilt deadline looming, and my muscles are just a *tad* bit stiff from yesterday.  Better to take a planned approach to exercising than being overly exuberant and not creating a habit.

I still have 2 more weeks of P3 left, and I'm quite confident that I'll get my weight back to where it needs to be....but I'll have to avoid eating out again for awhile!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

R3P3D6 - 161

Weight: 161

My hubby's birthday was yesterday, and he took me out for lunch at the Chinese buffet (I am taking him out for dinner tonight).  I LOVE the crab rangoons, and decided to have 2 of them.  Then I also cheated with Mandarin oranges...who'd have ever thought that oranges would be a "cheat"?...and they were the best thing I ate yesterday!!  Oh, they were wonderful!

Then I had some ice cream at the staff meeting, but didn't over-indulge, kept to one serving.

Then at dinner I had 2 cocktails.

I gained 1.5 pounds, and I can tell my tummy is still full and/or bloated. 

In "real life", aka P4, I think that this would sort itself out and I would go on my way.  Today, however:

  • I will get on the elliptical (it just feels good to move!)
  • I will drink a ton of water
  • I will eat protein when I'm hungry (I can't go all day without eating as a regular steak day calls for).

Tonight I'm taking my hubby to a Brazilian meat place, so I'm hoping that will be OK, where they don't have a lot of sugar in the stuff they put on the meat, and that will serve as my “steak day” steak.

Oh, and the dog got me up at 4am, so I’m a bit short on sleep, too!  I have a quilt to get finished so I am up and may take a nap later on.

I'll let you know if I'm up again on Sunday...and crying!

Friday, December 17, 2010


Weight: 159.5

Last night I was going to change clothes after work.  Not remembering the size, I thought I'd wear a pair of stretch jeans that I got a year ago that are pretty cute, but just a tad short in the length to wear with anything but tennis shoes.

To my surprise, they HUNG on me!!

Turns out that they were about 2 sizes larger than I am now!  And I had been "saving" them in my drawer.  They immediately went into the donation pile I've got started.  Sorta sorry to see them go, as they are nice and don't have any worn spots.  I figure that someone who needs a nice pair of pants will snatch them up!

Oh, yeah, so far I am only .5 pounds above my LIW.  Even though P3 eating is divine, I'm really wanting more variety in my food, so I'm starting to scour my low carb cookbooks.  Send me any suggestions you have!

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Weight: 159.5

So, wanna hear something really cool?  I had my doctor's appointment on Tuesday, and, among other things that I am still sorting out, he told me that I can go down on my thyroid medicine!!  I am on a very high dose, and now that I am 50 pounds lighter, I just don't need that much!


I'm also a bit scared, though....the "what if" monster has come out of the scary monster closet.

"What if"....I have trouble resetting my metabolism on the lower dose of medicine?  I'm just now going into the lock-in phase?

"What if"....he's wrong?  I've been really cold lately and often feel like I did before, when my medicine wasn't at a high enough dose.

Those are some pretty big "what ifs"....but..."what if"....I was actually able to directly affect my health?  That's pretty powerful stuff!

Goes along with being scared of success, too, I suppose...and "being right"...and what that all entails....which is a blog for another time.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

R3P3D2 - 160

Weight: 160

I didn’t realize it’s been almost a week since my last post!  While I didn’t reach my goal weight of 155, I have to tell you that I made it to 157 on December 8th, which was a grand total of 51 pounds for the year!!  That is one pound away from a 25% reduction in my total body weight!!

Thursday, December 9th was my last injection, and Friday, December 10th was a Christmas party…and I had two desserts!

So, I gained a pound, but that home made pecan pie was totally worth it!…although, 4 days later, I am beginning to doubt that!

While I am a bit disappointed that I’m back to 160 after my first low carb day, I am not surprised.  I don’t have a flat tummy in the first place, but my stomach is not quite as flat as it was.  There could be multiple causes, so I’m monitoring it.

I already know that I want to get rid of another 10 pounds.  I think this is an attainable goal, one I will re-asses in March.  My goal is to get more fit and re-shape my body through cardio on the elliptical and my Pilates DVDs, and I’m hoping I can get rid of the weight by just working out.  If I haven’t made much headway by then, I’ll do a 4th round, maybe using the homeopathic drops.  After this week’s Christmas quilt deadlines are reached, I will start increasing the frequency and level of my exercise; it just feels good to move!!

Oh, another thing I’ve noticed…I think I need to get new orthotics.  My feet and ankles have been sore after wearing my tennis shoes with my orthotics, where they have not been sore when I wear my Dansko’s.  It sure makes sense, having reduced the amount of pressure by whatever physics equation is applicable!

I probably won’t be posting as often during the holidays, but the reason I started this blog was because I couldn’t find any information on “life after hcg” when I first decided to go this route.  I want to be that resource for other people in the same situation.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

R3P2VLCD38 - 158

Weight: 158

Wow, I knew I had skipped a couple days blogging, but I didn't realize it had been 5 days!  What's been keeping me so busy?  I've almost finished one quilt, just have to put the binding on it, and working on my first of two Bronco quilts that are due for Christmas.

At the beginning of the week I took a break from sewing to work on building a new computer, as my parts came in on Monday, and it's now up and running.  I think I'm pretty pleased with it, but there's still more work to do transferring data and such.  I'll also wait to activate my software until I've let it burn in a few more hours, too.

Oh, yeah, and I've been slugging away at my last week of VLCD on the hcg diet.  Today I weighed in at 158 pounds, which officially brings my total to 50 total pounds shed.

I did not lose them, I do not want them back!!

I have only 3 days left to meet my goal of losing 3 more pounds.  We'll see what happens.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

R3P2VLCD33 – 159.5

Weight: 159.5

OK, I should be jumping for joy, I know...I crossed into the 150's!!

But I'm disappointed it's only by .5 pounds...I've been holding at 160 for 2 days, so it should have gone down more.  I haven't been as hungry the last 2 days, and didn't even eat my fruits, although not intentionally.

Too many factors to look at, and even then it doesn't matter, I can't do yesterday over.  So, I will keep focused on what I need to do and enjoy my day.

Hubby will be at the football game today and I plan to finish quilting a quilt, as well as complete a top that is ready to be put together.  Maybe even get a Costco run in there as a break.

Football tonight...will be a good break from being on my feet, and I'll work on a knitting project I've got going.

Better get off the computer if I want to get all that done!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

R3P2VLCD32 – 160

Weight: 160
I am on the precipice of new numbers. They are just numbers, right?
I feel really good, and tonight I even had to force myself to eat. That NEVER happens, hcg or not!

I think my last injection will be December 10th, so I have 8 more days to lose 5 pounds. We'll see what happens.

I told my hubby that I feel different than the last time I lost weight. I had gotten down to 182 and stayed there awhile. But I also remember having a "hoping" feeling that the weight wouldn't come back. Now I know it won't come back. It's a different feeling than any time I've ever lost weight, even the first two rounds.

I just feel good, and I have a plan to keep myself on the right track.

And now, I'm going to sew….I have a deadline!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

R3P2VLCD31 – 161

Weight: 161

OK, so I wish the scale would have shown me some more love, but I know it's not uncommon to start slowing down the closer to goal weight I get.  However, the way I look at it is, this is not a low weight, and I don't have to be higher.

Besides, I am really liking my new thrift store jeans!  I felt really great this morning as I was getting dressed.  I am officially in a normal weight for my body, and I can see how low of a weight would be too low (140’s) but I think the 150’s will suit me fine.

Now, because they called it a Snow Day today, I get to get off the computer and go sew!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

R3P2VLCD30 – 161

Weight: 161

Well, hey, I'm liking this! I'm just a hair away from getting into another "decade" on the scale! Woo Hoo!

I'm also liking how my body looks and feels. Certainly not perfect, but I can definitely see the end of the tunnel, and I LOVE how I feel!

I can also start imagining what my body will look like as I start to re-shape it next year, through Pilates and cardio.

On my lunch break, I visited the thrift store and found 2 pairs of jeans for $3.57 each!  One is a black pair that I can wear to work, and the other are what I would call “kid” jeans, because they are low rise and have a bell bottom…oh, I guess they are called something else these days, but the term slips my mind at the moment.  They are comfy and cute, too!

I just had to get something; I took down 4 pairs of work pants that have been hanging in the closet for the past 4 months that are too big for me; I have been alternating between 2 pairs of pants for the entire week!

Being at this weight is reinforcing what size of clothing I can buy now; the new-to-me jeans I got today are definitely a comfortable fit, not tight, so I think I’m in the correct size.  It still boggles my mind!

I spent way too much time on the computer yesterday, and late into the night, so I got up and did 30 minutes on the elliptical this morning. Felt really good to move!

I'm getting off the computer...but I'll be sewing tonight. I have a deadline looming large!

Sunday, November 28, 2010


I read a post by someone on SparkPeople who has lost weight recently, where she stated her zeal for keeping her former sized clothing.  She did so, calling herself frugal, in case she needed them again.

But more to her point, she realized she was doubting herself and her ability to stay committed to a new lifestyle, one that supported her new weight and goals.

I know how she feels.

My weight has gone up and down, ever so gradually, over the last 5 years.  It has been a cost savings to have those clothes around.

I, too, didn't mean to lie to myself, or to even need them again, it was the hoarder in me working alongside that...what?...self doubt?...lack of confidence?....proof from the past?....that reinforced the need to keep those clothes.

I think I, too, am further along in this journey, and I'm looking at those old clothes and not even liking them.  Jeans, well, I can cut them up and make a quilt with them, so I can hold onto those without guilt, or giving them a second thought, or I can give them to my hubby (yes, we have been wearing the same sized jeans, and he’s a former defensive lineman).

I do not enjoy clothes shopping, but I will have to spend the time and money soon, as I am looking at a bare closet right now as I cull out the larger sizes and outdated styles, and I am needing some clothes...ones that look good on me, and feel good!

I can, however, justify keeping a *SINGLE* pair of baggy jeans....being able to layer clothing underneath when you go out to go sledding, or to a football game!

R3P2VLCD28 – 162

Weight: 162

I weighed in a pound lighter today...woo hoo!  I even saw 161.5 come up, but with the averages,  given my multiple weighings, I decided to take the number that came up the most often...but I am encouraged, and the drop has reinforced the behaviorial choices I made yesterday, and the day before, and the day before.

As I've said in the past, it's a process of change, one that becomes a long term change...oh, that thing they call a "lifestyle".

Wow!  I am actually going to reach my goal weight!  I think I have never accomplished that before, when I've set out to lose fat and/or re-sculpt my body.

Now I have to figure out how to be the new me, in my new body, and carry on with my life as if...what?  See the previous blog post about expectations.

One thing at a I am getting a quilt top made and one at least loaded on the quilt frame.  I have a deadline, and I've spent way too much time on the computer this week.

Enjoy the day!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

R3P2VLCD27 – 163

Weight: 163

Oh, the joys of the scale.  I had anticipated, and have been visualizing, the number going down, but today it was not to be.  Could it be the extra serving of bison burger?  Surely not!  ;-)

I'm not worried about it at all, and that is a good place to be.  I have been visualizing the scale going down, what I will look like, and how I will maintain the weight.  Reinforcement there is that my tummy isn't sticking out like it used to, and I'm fascinated, and motivated, by that!

I have been going over my past progress, and that has been sort of a downer, should I choose to look at it that way.  Back in round 2, I reached 168.5 pounds...hey, wait a minute, that's only 5 pounds difference than I am right now!!  See what I mean?  Downer, dude!

However, when I decide to have a positive attitude about the situation, it just means that, yes, I gained (screwed up?) but I am continuing toward an ever-more-healthy BMI (I am now officially not overweight!)  I need to remember the lessons from those increases and apply them to now, not look back.

So, as Oprah would ask, what do I know for sure?

  1. I know that it is up to me to watch what I eat – always
  2. I need to continue development of mindfulness
  3. I will need to be aware of why I'm eating (see above)
  4. I need to stop eating when I'm full
  5. I need to enjoy the re-sculpting process I will take my body through next, through exercise
  6. Recognize that the reinforcement that I get now for my weight loss progress will subside, then disappear, as it becomes my new normal.
  7. My new substitute for this recognition will be more internal, acknowledge by the challenges of how my body changes with exercise, that no one else can really know.

I've done step 7 before; that is, I used to be a power lifter.  I was nationally ranked, in fact, although I didn't know it at the time (I saw it published in a magazine).  What got me there was competing with myself.  When I competed against others, I would fail to reach my potential, but I always could improve on my own accomplishments.

I need to remember that now, too.

Friday, November 26, 2010

R3P2VLCD26 – 163

Weight: 163

Wow!  That's what getting some sleep will do!  Today is the first day that I’ve slept in this whole week, and I’ve had the week off.

I now, officially, have a "healthy" BMI, I am no longer in the "overweight" category!!

I dropped 1.5 pounds from yesterday, and that was with more coconut oil than I had planned, because my shrimp were going to burn, and a couple of bites of corn bread stuffing.  And you, know, as good as the stuffing was, I really didn't want more.  Just didn't want it.  Nice!

I finished a quilt last night, so have to look it over this morning to make sure I did a good job on it, as I finished late.  Assuming it's OK I can drop both of them off to the customer on my way to the fabric store where they are, of course, having a fabulous sale on fleece that I can't pass up.  I normally do not do ANY Black Friday shopping, it's just ridiculous.  But the fleece is $1.99/yard, when it's normally $7.99/yard!

I'm also going to see about a netbook for my mom.  My brother and I will go in on it and I found a great deal, so we'll see if there are any left.

Then, it's back to the sewing room.  I have 2 tops to put together in the next 3 weeks, in addition to finishing my mom's (just needs borders) and then to quilt all three.  So, I'll be a busy gal!

Hopefully so busy that I won't want to cheat, especially since I can practically feel that goal now!

Woo Hoo!!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

R3P2VLCD25 – 164.5

Weight: 164.5

Woo Hoo!!  I wasn't expecting to see that much of a drop, as much as I was hoping for it!

I got on the elliptical yesterday and did 21 minutes, which felt really good, sewed all day and am almost done with a customer quilt.  Had steak and zucchini for dinner and watched a movie with my hubby.

You'd think I wouldn't be so tired, but I am!  Got up at 7am and still haven't accomplished a thing today...well, I did a video call with Mom, so that does count, but no sewing.  I need to move my webcam to the sewing room.

Speaking of which...gotta finish that quilt.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

R3P2VLCD24 – 166

Weight: 166

I thought I did OK yesterday, but I can see by the scale that I need to make an adjustment.  I’m off work this week and I find that I tend to eat more and it’s easier to cheat when I’m home.

So, I'm skipping my breakfast and going to load a quilt top. Then, before I start quilting it, I'll have some lunch and hopefully get the top done very quickly.

I've been dinking around on the computer way too long this morning!

Monday, November 22, 2010

R3P2VLCD22 – 166

Weight: 166

Considering I ate cereal again yesterday, I am surprised I am down .5 pounds!  I was a bit hungry again yesterday, and cold, too, as it's been snowing lightly here.  Plus, I'm off all week and I'm realizing I don't have as much discipline...or is it that I have more access? when I'm at work.

So, today I'm going to try a new approach, one I think I've tried before, and I think I will be successful.

I'm having adding protein for breakfast, and pre-cutting all my veggie snacks so they are easy.  Since I've been having more protein and still losing, the plan is to add it to breakfast and cut back a bit on the other meals so I'm still having more than what is on protocol, but just spreading it out over the course of the day.  I think that'll keep me satisfied.

Then, when I need a snack, I will be reaching for the easy, on-protocol foods, instead of the forbidden ones.  That's a no brainer, but I haven't been doing that so getting back on track.

With a plan in place, I am WOMAN, HEAR ME ROAR!  ;-)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

R3P2VLCD21 – 166.5

Weight: 166.5

I thought I was prepared yesterday, which I mostly was, but not prepared enough.  Which is why I'm up a pound, but I'm not concerned, it will go away again.

I packed my lunch to take with me while I ran errands yesterday, as I figured I would be on the other side of town when I got hungry, and still had errands to complete.  Which I was.  So, I ate my tuna salad in the car, and it was wonderful.

But I only had packed my 1/2 grapefruit for a snack.  That is a messy snack, one that is not easily edible while driving and I didn't take the time to stop to eat it.  That was the mistake, because I got too hungry, so when I got home I chowed down.  Not only did I eat my grapefruit, I went for the cereal again, like I did yesterday when my blood sugar dropped.   Fear and hunger are powerful motivators and not easily reasoned with.

What did I learn on this journey?  I am now figuring out what that feels like to be truly full.  I assume most people normal weight people feel this way when they eat and they stop eating right away when they feel full.  That may sound strange, so let me explain.

When I'm eating something that tastes really good, I often have kept eating, even if I'm not really hungry; it just tastes good and I keep picking at it.  It's mindless.  I don't recall ever feeling this absolute feeling of "please stop putting food into me, I don't want it" , but I did yesterday.  Oh, sure, I've had that "I'm stuffed" feeling from Thanksgivings past where I ate too much.  But my stomach expanded to accommodate what I ate and was full.  This time, it didn't expand, it felt like a container of a specific size which was not to be over filled, not going to expand.  I've experienced the after effects we usually call "your stomach shrank" of not being able to eat as much as you used to after a diet before, but this was not the same feeling.  It's hard to explain.

I did eat more than I needed to yesterday during this awareness awakening, which was part of the awakening.  I hope to continue building this mindfulness ability in all areas of my life.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

R3P2VLCD20 – 165.5

Weight: 165.5

Last night I got to go to the BSU vs Fresno State football game....and BSU won 50-0!!


It was really nice to be able to go, because we gave up our season tickets this year.  My hubby and I planned it all out and he made me a great dinner before we went.  I planned to take my apple with me, but forgot it.

I brought some nice tea with me and had that to keep me warm during the first half.  It was pretty cold out, and during the course of the game he asked if I wanted some coffee.  Turned out that the stair vendor sold us hot chocolate.  Well, I was hungry and I was cold, so I decided to just drink it.  Big mistake.

By the time I got home my blood sugar was dropping.  This hasn't happened to me in a long time; I've had bouts of hypoglycemia since I was a teenager, and they are no fun.  I started with the plan I formed on the way home, and ate a hunk of grilled chicken that I use for my lunches.  That was not working quickly enough, so I grabbed a handful of mixed nuts, then switched to a bowl of cereal.  We're out of regular milk so I used some heavy whipping cream (I was thinking low carb) and soy milk.  Finally got feeling better, but hating what I figure is coming in the next couple of days with the scale and a stall.

Actually, the cereal seems to be cleaning me out, and I lost a pound!  Not that I like this's coming on in rather sudden attacks.  Hmmm...TMI, I'm sure!

So, I'll watch what I eat today and try to avoid any of this blood sugar drama.

Friday, November 19, 2010

R3P2D19 – 166.5

Weight: 166.5

Well, only 1/2 pound today, but it's still a loss and I'm not complaining.  I feel great, and I can actually feel that the little muffin top getting smaller.  The fat deposits in the front of my belly are smaller, too, I'm having to search longer for a better injection spot than before (yay!) There's still fat there, but they are smaller deposits than before.

One thing I suppose I'll have to just get used to is that my tummy is not going to be flat when this is over.  Besides just being built this way, I know I shaped the muscle outward by the way I did my exercises years ago.  I have to keep reminding myself of the upcoming "reshaping" year that is ahead.  Pilates and cardio are the keys there.

I finally got my prescription refilled yesterday; the doctor's office took 3 days to fax back the refill request.  I'm glad, because I was out, as of yesterday, so I won't have to skip a day.  I need to re-read the section in Pounds and Inches about skipping days, but I never have, even during TOM.  I suppose that's because I've had such problems with being hungry the first 10 days of the protocol and even this round when I went down on the dosage for two days, trying to see if that adjustment made any difference.

We had an AWESOME trunk show by Karen Schoepflin Hagen from Genesee, ID last night at the guild meeting.  She is so amazingly talented it was almost intimidating.  And what a wonderful lady...

Here's a link to a page where she was the featured quilter, and it has photos of 2 of the quilts she showed us last night:

Now, of course, DH has to leave early this morning so we are up even earlier and I'm really tired.  Get to go to the Boise State University vs Fresno State game tonight, though!  First one this season, and it's going to be COLD!

Busy weekend planned, too, but I'm looking forward to it.  Life is good!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

R3P2D17 – 167

Weight: 167

I don't have much to say today, I'm just plugging away.  Today I was freezing cold all day, even cups of tea wouldn't warm me up.  That is one sensation that will make me think I'm hungry, even when I'm actually OK.

A couple of times I thought about eating something more, but I have started a mantra of sorts...repeating to myself "only 12 more pounds" and "next week I could be at 160".  And I know that eating more will not get me to that goal, so I moved on.

I'm so very close and I don't want to blow it.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

R3P2VLCD16 – 168

Weight: 168

Good.  Dropped one of my “cheat pounds”….validation that I did the right thing yesterday.  Big pat on back.  Now I have to quit looking back over the past week's numbers and kicking myself that I could be 6 days (pounds) ahead!  Grr....

Can't wait for my mom to come visit next week.  I'm making a quilt for her that she plans to give to a friend of hers and I've got almost all of the pieces done and arranged them last night.


My plan is to have it quilted by the time she gets here so we can go shopping and just have fun.  We're also going to go get our pictures taken; it's been 5 years and the last time I was quite a bit heavier.  I'm looking forward to these photos!!

So, it seems, managing ones health is like make it one step at a time.

Onward ho!

Monday, November 15, 2010

R3P2VLCD15 – 169

Weight: 169

I cheated again yesterday, with mixed nuts...and I am paying the price!  Boo hoo...

OK, enough of that, it's my own fault.  Today, however, I did great!  I passed by some cupcakes at work and gave them the evil eye...and they stayed on the tray!

I had a nice cup of some great new tea I got and called it good.  And it was!

I also ordered another 21 days of hcg, so this one is officially going to be a long round.  But I'm sure it's the right move, as I am so close and just now starting to get going at a steady rate.  If I stop cheating, that is! ;-)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

R3P2VLCD14 – 168

Weight: 168

I cheated, and it was totally worth it!

We had a family friend over last night and I ate my normal dinner, but then topped it off with a piece of homemade, sugar-free sweet potato pie...oh, it was good!!

So, I'm up a pound today, and completely unaffected mentally by that!

Yesterday morning I also got on the elliptical and did 20 minutes and I can tell my muscles have been working.  Not exactly sore, as I have to really concentrate to figure out that I worked those muscles, but it's a good sign.

I walked around all day yesterday reminding myself that I am only 12 pounds away from my goal.  I need to keep that mantra going, especially with the office holiday treats on the horizon.  I bought two more boxes of some really great teas, too, which should offset that feeling of not being able to participate in treats, especially now that the hunger has subsided.

Another thing I figured out....I started taking my Costco multi-vitamin supplements and some B vitamin supplement this round and I had gotten warm...and started losing 1 pound each day fairly consistently...and I forgot to take them the last couple of days.  I've been cold again, and, well, can't blame anything but eating on not losing / gaining, but I think that has been a factor in this steady roll!  I have about another 4 weeks to go...and I'm going to make it.

Downward ho!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

R3P2VLCD11 – 168: Officially 40 Pounds Gone!

Weight: 168

It's official!  Today, at 168 pounds, I have shed a total of 40 pounds since April 15, 2010.  I am shocked and amazed, both at the accomplishment and the reality that I was that heavy.  I've got between 10-15 more pounds to go for this phase of my transformation, but yesterday was a very interesting day in that regard.

I was walking across campus, wearing my Danskos and new jeans.  The jeans are still tight in the waist, but fit everywhere else and, for once, are long enough to hit mid-shoe!  The legs are the skinny style, of which I'm not overly fond, but they don't look half bad.  And I started thinking to myself, this is pretty much what I will look like when I've gotten rid of the extra weight.

Now, that might seem strange, or obvious, but heavy people always wonder what they'll look like, almost as if we are talking about another person.  I guess, actually, we are talking about another person, because it's so hard to relate to that other "perfect" version of oneself; you know, the one who has the great life with no problems because s/he isn't fat.  After all, that is the reason we have problems....right?

Yesterday was the first day I wasn't hungry and didn't really think about wanting to eat.  Well, except at dinner, when we ate later than usual.  I decided to try the gum trick, where I would be more conscious of trying to put something in my mouth when I'm chewing gum as I prepared my meal.  That worked pretty well, and since I'd had a glass of water beforehand, I realized that I wasn't actually starving.  The problem was more of an anxiety / urgency to eat, which I've dealt with for a long time.   After cleaning up, I had more urges to cheat, but since I wasn't actually hungry, I was able to talk to my inner child gently, but firmly, and just got myself away from the kitchen.

I'm glad I did.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

R3P2VLCD10 – 169

Weight: 169

As things go, I can't complain about staying the same weight.  Well, I could, but that is just counter-productive.

I'll just keep focusing on taking each step at a time.  It'll come off.  Maybe not as fast as I want it to, but ultimately, it will come off, and I’m so close to my goal now, I just can’t let go of that.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

R3P2VLCD9 – 169

Weight: 169

Woo Hoo!  I am now officially back into the 160's!!

Was it the extra protein?  Or the increase in hCG?  Or both?  Do I dare try extra protein again today?

Oh, questions, questions!

So, what I planned out for today is:

1) Another great veggie medley breakfast, but I am not planning to add eggs this morning; they are a once-in-awhile type of protein, anyway.

2)  Usual chicken and salad for lunch, trying fish tacos for dinner (they have NEVER sounded good!!)

2) Obviously, I'll stay at the higher 200ml dosage, no more bouncing around.

All part of the "what if" game, but IF I hadn't messed around with my dosage, would I now be 2 pounds further ahead??

Oh, being cheap sure does bite me in the butt!  Oh, wait, it wasn't just trying to extend out the amount of hCG that I have (if I can get by with a lower dose, then I don't have to buy so much to stay on it longer OR maybe I don't have to buy any more at all!) , I was hungry this time at the higher dose and trying to see if lowering the dose could help with that.  Actually, that was my main motivation, but the cheap bug crept in there, too!

I was still cold yesterday, didn't take my sweatshirt off all day, and when I got home turned up the heat 2 degrees....THAT helped!  I slept in this morning, so no elliptical today, but planning on it tomorrow and Friday.  I really want to get that habit established to a "no-brainer" level.

Downward ho!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

R3P2VLCD8 – 171 and Trying Something New

Weight: 171

Well, I was at least HOPING I'd drop back to 170....but I supposed that is the price for cheating so badly on Sunday.  At least I didn't gain!

I tried something new yesterday, I used some coconut oil and fried up a veggie medley with peppers, onions, mushrooms, spinach and cauliflower, seasoning it with nutmeg, basil, salt, and pepper for breakfast.  It was REALLY good!

So, this morning, since I had gotten up early and realized I was probably going to be biting my fingernails with hunger by mid-morning , I decided to try it again.  Only this morning I forgot about the cauliflower (this is what happens when I try to do something impromptu) and I used 2 eggs to make an omelet.  I know, we're only supposed to have 1 egg and 3 egg whites, but I had 2 eggs in the carton and I hate wasting the egg yolks.

I am thinking that maybe I can stretch out my protein a bit more than in 2 meals a day; I am a big breakfast eater and really miss having something with which to start my day.  I couldn't believe how incredibly full I was after breakfast!  Almost too full!

So, at mid-morning I'm doing pretty well, hunger-wise (after I swig a bunch of water).  I'm a little worried about smaller protein portions at dinner, but I am planning on a fish taco sort of recipe tonight.  Not that I know how to make fish tacos, or that they even sound good (eww!) but that's the plan.

I've also gone back up on my hCG dosage; yesterday I did 175ml and today I went back to my original 200ml.  I'm still cold, but I'm hoping that will dissipate by being back on the higher dosage.

So, we'll see what happens with all of these changes.  Eggs are only a once in awhile thing, but I can see having the veggie medley for breakfast every day!  Yumm!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

R3P2VLCD7 - 171

Weight: 171

I've been totally freezing this round, as well as hungry.  Yesterday I just cracked and totally went off protocol.  Not "bad"  food, I didn't go and eat a bunch of cookies or Snickers, but it was definitely not on P2 protocol.  I just couldn't get full or warm.

Boy, did I luck out!  I only gained one pound.

Usually I attribute being cold to my low thyroid, but my medication is now adjusted properly and I haven't had this happen for quite awhile.  I just saw this morning that several other people on the hCG Support group are having the same problem, so maybe it's the time of year and our natural "hibernation" tendencies.

In any case, this can't continue.  I can't go around feeling cold and hungry and I won't go around feeling guilty!  That's a life choice that I work on every day.  So, this morning I did 20 mins on the elliptical, as I usually warm up if I "prime the pump" so to speak, and get my metabolism re-started.

I'm also going to start taking a niacin or B supplement, as was suggested by another Sparker, and I think that's a great idea.

Onward ho!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

R3P3VLCD6 – 170

Weight: 170

Yesterday I decreased my dosage dramatically, from 200ml to 125ml and I dropped 2.5 pounds!  OMG!!  ;-)

Now, like one of my SparkPeople group members says, it may take awhile before my system really knows that I changed the dosage, so it may be hard to really attribute the decrease to the lower dosage, but it sure was encouraging!

Yesterday I also was extremely tired because I had stayed up too late sewing two nights in a row, even later the second night.  So, on top of being tired, I was stressed, cold, and about the same kind of hungry as I have been the past few days. 

So....who knows?  I'm just thrilled, though!

Downward, ho…and GO BRONCOS!!…playing against Hawaii today at 1:30pm MST.

Friday, November 5, 2010

R3P2VLCD5 – 172.5

Weight: 172.5

So, I was more hungry yesterday and I’ve been contemplating lowering my dose, from 200cc to 125cc, to try to fix that.

I’ve heard that if the dose is too high, it can also be detrimental to the reduction process, as well as make you hungry, so I’m going to try it.  Got nothing to lose but more fat! ;-)

I also have to say I’m a bit disappointed that it seems to take me a week’s worth of injections to get to where I’m actually starting to make progress towards my goals.

But I didn’t cheat, and that’s something!  All day long people were eating candy and snacks.  Then, after work, I went to Costco to help my hubby with the grocery list and boy, did EVERYTHING look good!  I did not take any samples, and the only thing I brought home that was not on the list was a package of pretty wool socks and a 1 lb tub of organic baby spinach, which I had with my dinner and was delish!

I just have to stay focused.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

R3P2VLCD4 – 173.5

Weight: 173.5

I am 5 pounds above my LIW from round 2 at 173.5 and it's about where I was hanging out as a stabilized weight.  So, since I seem to be moving towards the 1 pound per day statistic, it appears that I am beyond the load weight increase and working on "real" fat. 

I'm feeling a bit bloated, impatient, annoyed and disappointed with myself for not following P3 more closely during my break, no matter what the “good” reason ... I want to be starting in the 160's not the high 170's!

I've heard that if the dose of hCG is too high, you can be hungry, just as if the dose is too low.  I've been considering lowering the dose, as I've been hungry in the morning and mid afternoon.  Not so much at dinner time, though...I think that's due to having a snack around 3pm followed by a lot of water.  I'm going to have to come up with a different eating strategy, I think.  I'll have to work around my work schedule though, of course.

Interestingly, when I look in the mirror, I don't really see the "new me" I still see the big stomach.  Less weight in that area will help, but that is really a mentality thing and I need to work on well as get my butt up in the morning and get on the elliptical.  This is a journey towards fitness, not just a number on the scale, and it would probably make me feel better, too.

Onward, ho!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

R2P2D3 – 174.5

Weight: 174.5

How can I be disappointed with a 1.5 pound drop?  I can't really, but I sometimes wonder if I load too well?  I'm not even back to my "real" beginning weight...but then again, I was up from that, too.

I am thinking I will definitely be doing longer than 23 days this time.  My hubby would like me to be off P2 during Thanksgiving, but really, it's not much different than we eat now, and I still wouldn't be able to have the stuffing.  It'll be fine, and the end result will be so worth it.

I have to say, though, that I have been hungry the last 2 days.  I'm adding in more veggies so I can have them for snacks.  That's a good alternative habit for when I'm not on hCG, too.

I also ended up with another UTI and went to the doctor this morning.  I am thankful for having insurance and being able to take care of myself.  So, it was sort of a stressful day, and after dinner I went up and sewed my Block of the Month block for guild.  Touching fabric always reduces my stress...and now I'd better get my butt to bed!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

R3P2D2 - 176

Weight: 176

I did really well on my food intake yesterday and wasn't hungry for most of the day, only a bit just before lunch, in an appropriate manner.  I even had one of those "I'm not even near 500 calories" days...which NEVER happens to me!  So, I enjoyed a microwaved baked apple with stevia and cinnamon, and I was still low.  I'm wondering if the number of carbs is a factor; I'll have to read Pounds and Inches again.

It was sure nice to see the scale down this morning, and I hope it goes down just as quickly tomorrow, too.  I start counting the days ahead, planning on what weight I'll be when...bad habit, for sure!  The only upside is trying to plan for company coming and Thanksgiving, as I may need to continue past Thanksgiving to reach my goal, where I had initially planned to be in P3 by then.

In any event, it's a small bump in the road, because we don't have a lot of starchy food items at Thanksgiving...but the ones we have sure count!...and I need to stay focused on the "now".

Monday, November 1, 2010

R3P2VLCD1…Finally! - 179

Weight: 179

Wow, I couldn't believe the scale when I stepped on it this morning!  Five whole pounds in ONE day!

I didn't have this type of gain on either of my other rounds...maybe this is a good sign?  I sure hope so!  While I know I'll drop this increase very quickly, it sure didn't feel good psychologically to see that number again.  Sorta creepy...appropriate, given it's just past Halloween, eh?...and I never want to see that number on my scale again.

Everything must be working correctly, though, because not only did I gain, I am not in the least bit hungry this morning and even the idea of food isn't appealing.  So, here's to getting rid of the last 15-20 pounds that are in the way of my optimum self.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Round 3 – 175; Reporting on Load Day 2, Starting Load Day 3

Weight: 175

I didn't eat a lot yesterday, but apparently what I ate counted!

I entered my food intake as best I could remember, as well as guess at, since the donut shop is one of the local ones and the nutritional information was unavailable in the database...and I got in 2616 calories and 145 grams of fat.

So, here's what I ate:

2 Eggs
Peanut Butter
2 pcs Gluten free bread - Honey Multigrain
Low carb pudding recipe made with Heavy Whipping Cream

8 oz rib eye steak

Haagen-Dazs Vanilla Swiss Almond ice cream
Dunkin Donuts Glazed Donut
Chocolate mousse - low carb, made with heavy whipping cream
Snickers - mini candy bar

And I only gained a pound!?!

Interestingly, while I know that people eat like this all the time, I just can't imagine doing this all the time myself.  Notice the dearth of veggies and fruit.  Even the Snickers and donut didn't have any appeal.  The Haagen-Dazs, well, that's another story!

Today is another load day, and tomorrow is the beginning of the journey to a new body weight and new self discovery.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Round 3 – Load Day 2 - 174

Weight: 174

I'm actually not really trying to gain weight during load days this time.  I've been eating P3 with a high fat content this week, so I'm pretty sure my normal fat stores are full!

Even so, the pizza last night was good and I'm looking forward to the steak man makes the BEST steak!

My back is hurting today, despite my 20 minutes on the elliptical and stretching, so probably won't quilt, although I do plan to sew.  Gotta work on homework, too.

Looks like my weekend has already flown by!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Round 3 - 1st Load Day - 174.5

Weight: 174.5

I am excited about starting my third, and last, round. I am confident I will be in the high 160's by next Friday, and then it's downhill (yay!) from there.

Here's to load days...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Starting Round 3 on Friday

Weight: 173

I ordered my prescription to start my 3rd round on Friday.

I am scheduled for a short round, but I think I am going to ask my doctor to extend it out longer; if I lose half of the amount of weight as the number of days on the diet, which seems to be typical for me, then I will be just shy of my goal weight.

I’m really looking forward to getting rid of this weight.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Weight: 172

Boise State Broncos vs. Louisiana Tech - 28 to 7 after half time...OK, so the game's not over, but I think we will win....!  GO BRONCOS!

I didn't do great avoiding sugar today, but I wasn't terrible....I had the equivalent of 2 candy bars and some home made zucchini bread with chocolate chips....along with my tuna salad, romaine, cherry tomatoes, eggs,Greek yogurt, nuts, cheese, steak, shrimp and cauliflower salad.

I am starting Round 3, P2 on Friday, ordered my hcg prescription today from the pharmacy.  I'm scheduled for a short round, but I'm thinking I need a long 42 day round this time to finish everything up nice and tidy by the end of the year.

I have a great year coming up, I can feel it!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Round 2, Phase 3: Second Week Summary - 170

Weight: 170

My weight has been all over the place this last week, pretty well stabilizing between 172-173.  Greeeeaaat, I spent all this time, money, and effort, and I ended up right back at where I left off on Round 1.

Last night I had t-bone steak and broccoli with cheese for dinner and I am down 2 pounds!  I have avoided doing steak days because:

  1. the weight was gained several days ago
  2. I think steak days (P3) and apple days (P2) simply get rid of water not real fat
  3. I can’t go all day without eating, I’ve tried it.

So, we’ll see if it sticks or not, but it sure was nice to see.  I will continue to eat low carb the rest of this week, but I am going to start my load days for Round 3 on Friday. I'm scheduled for a short round, but if my body seems to be on a roll, I think I will see about getting my prescription extended to go longer, so am keeping an open mind.

Letting go of fear is the hard part, but when we do, we open ourselves up to things greater than we ever imagined.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Round 2, Phase 3 – 172.5

Weight: 172.5

Well, I was surprised to see the gain this morning, as I really thought I did OK yesterday.

Turns out that not only did I eat a lot of calories, I had 3 pieces of Ezekiel bread (I lost track during the day), and I only had one bottle of water.

I haven’t been especially following the rules during this Phase 3, I need to address that.  I’ve got 2 more weeks before starting another round, and I want to make the most of it.

I’m running errands today and doing homework, thinking of hitting the elliptical before we go; my back is really stiff from sitting all week and standing all day yesterday at the quilt frame.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Round 2 – Phase 3: First Week Summary – 171.5

Weight: 171.5

What a week.

It sure seems longer than a week since I started Phase 3, the low carb phase.  I sure haven’t been very successful in not eating carbs.  So, I guess it’s no surprise that I’m over the 2 pound allowable variance from the LIW.  For eating carbs, maybe it’s a surprise that I’m only 1.5 pounds over that!

Looking back over my logs, though, it’s a bit disappointing to see that I am the same weight I was on Day 12 of VLCD.  I really dislike doing things over, and I want the next round to be my last!  If I “only” get rid of 10 pounds next round, then I will probably need to do a 4th.

The week ending the diet and this entire time of P3 has been a really stressful time, and difficult to focus on the protocol.  That’s frustrating and disappointing, since I think I focused very well in the first 2 weeks.  I’ve discovered a few things about my own assumptions and perceptions, though, and I need to delve into those further.

On the positive side, though, I have 2 more weeks of low carb, which means my weight might come back in line with the LIW.  No matter how I look at it, I am not defeated!  I have made great gains in my health and there are still many changes, physically, mentally, and spiritually, to come.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Then I Saw the Cheesecake

Weight: 172

I went to my longarm quilting meeting last night and I had prepared myself ahead of time not to eat the snacks everyone brings, by eating a nice tuna salad for dinner, and Greek yogurt, which I adore.

Someone brought cucumbers with homemade dipping sauce, there was a shrimp salad, chicken salad, pizza, and some sort of aromatic skinny twisty bread.  I was OK with all of that.  Then I saw the cheesecake.

And I just had to have “some”….and I also put all of the other things on my plate, too…hey, they are low carb/high fat and allowed, right?

So, I am up 2 entire pounds this morning, feeling incredibly full, and disappointed in myself.  I know at least a pound will come off by tomorrow, as water weight, but now I’m a total of 4 pounds over LIW and I am no longer close to the high 160’s, which felt wonderful.  I worry that my clothes, which now reveal my shape, will show off the indiscretions, and the true me, the fraud, will be found out.

It’s not so much the weight…or is it?  There’s something scary about “revealing” myself.  What does it mean to “be thin”..?

OK, hmm…that’s a good question.  It means that you can do anything you want to do, that you are in charge of your life, that you are attractive, that you make the right decisions, that you have your life together, that you can wear anything you want, you have a great job, and that you are fulfilled.

Not:  overwhelmed, messy, nagging sense of insecurity, confused about the direction in your life, too harried to enjoy the process, worried about making life altering changes….or feeling like this is the last time you’ll ever taste cheesecake.

Talk about revealing.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Round 2, Phase 3

Weight: 170

While I’m within the 2 pound range of acceptable variance from the LIW on the protocol, this weight is unacceptable.

The reason it’s unacceptable is my behavior.

I have been eating way too much for the past few days, yesterday I was even at 171.  So I’m glad I’m down a pound from yesterday, now I need to continue some discipline in my eating habits to get back to 168.  But more importantly, I need to figure out what I’m feeding, not just what I’m eating.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Round 2, Phase 3 - stabilizing

Weight: 169

I’m glad to see that my weight changed by only .5 pounds from yesterday.  While I was out running errands, I stopped to eat lunch at a deli.  I chose their baked chicken breast and a broccoli salad which had who-knows-what kind of carbs!

While protocol says not to have carbs during this lock-in phase, I have definitely had them, and not just the hidden ones, as in the broccoli salad.  So, I’ve felt really lucky that my weight hasn’t been all over the place!

An interesting observation that I had yesterday during my day, is that I got noticed three different times by men.  I’ve been married for 12 years to a wonderful husband, and I have not really had other men pay attention to me, nor have I wanted them to.  I may need to figure out how to handle that sort of attention now; I wasn’t prepared for that!

One encounter especially stuck with me during the day.  A gentleman struck up a conversation while waiting for our coffee drinks to be made, and I said I like mine “plain” without all the extra flavorings, to keep my sugar intake down.  He was a thin man and was dumping a bunch of sugar in his coffee as I made that comment, and he said something to the effect of “I need the sugar”, to which I replied “yes, but you are thin”.  He looked straight at me and said “but so are you!”.

My initial reaction was to deny this assertion, but I didn’t because I had commented on this sort of denial the other day in my blog; I have become consciously aware that what other people see is not what I feel, or even know about my own body.  So, this was good “practice” in not denying the “new” fact of my being thin, but I did mumble something about “I’m still losing”.  So, I still have a ways to go in becoming comfortable with the “new me”.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Round 2 – Phase 3

Weight: 168.5

It sure was nice seeing my weight come back down!

For the most part, my low-carb menu felt really good; I always do well with a low-carb diet.


  • two eggs and a piece of Colby Jack cheese on top


  • low-fat plain Greek yogurt


  • tuna salad, with real mayonnaise and dill, on top of a huge pile of lettuce with cucumbers, zucchini, and tomato.

Afternoon meeting:

  • one small piece of chocolate candy with filling inside, from the box that was being passed around.  I initially resisted; when I finally had the piece I realized it didn't really taste very good.


  • grilled 6 oz ground bison mixed with onion, topped with Colby cheese
  • large salad with tomato and cheese dressing


  • low carb ice cream bar
  • low-fat vanilla Greek yogurt
  • After dinner cocktail

I can see where I can make some improvements in choosing snacks, and my calorie count really reflects that.  It would be nice if I could get 2 pounds below my LIW, although I figure that won’t happen.  I can’t figure out how people can’t get their calories in during P2, or up afterwards, but for me, I’ve got to watch that trend!

Off to do errands today….

Friday, October 8, 2010

Round 2 Phase 3 - Officially

Weight: 169

I was a little relieved to see 169 this morning, partly because I'm still really full and I have that association with my weight being up.  After seeing 171 on the scale yesterday, I realized that I quickly embraced this lower weight range; the number seven is not one that I want to see in my weight!

Also, I think that I'm having a little bit of a hard time accepting success.  I don't know about you, but when someone exclaims that I am "skinny", my first response is to deny it.  Part of that has to do with knowing where the fat is on my body that they're not looking at, but also my belief that "skinny" isn't exactly healthy.

Then, too, being a big person has been such an integrated part of my identity.  Even as a thin child, I was taller and bigger than everyone else, and by comparison I felt "big as a cow".

As a strong, young, adult, I eventually embraced being large.  I have always had a hard time associating smallness with strength, even though ants have the highest strength ratio.  I have to keep in mind there are different types of strength, and physical strength is only one of those.

The cool thing is, I can change, I have changed, and I will continue to work on this concept.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

R2P2D24 – 170.5

Weight: 170.5

Shocking!  But not unbelievable.  I ate dinner last night at Baja Fresh before going to a community education class.  I ordered the Mango Chipotle Chicken Salad….and I ate the WHOLE THING!

I was reading my textbook for the other class I’m in and didn’t truly pay attention.  I remember feeling full, thinking I should stop, but then didn’t.  I woke up this morning still stuffed!

Along with eating out, I had forgotten my water bottle so I didn’t get much water, and the end of the night. I was pretty dry.  It was a no-brainer to work on drinking more water today; I need to flush out the sodium!

There are some good lessons here:

  • First, pay attention when you are eating, so you only eat until you’re comfortable.
  • Second, I have grown fond of not being in the 170’s.
  • Last, but  not least, my world did not fall apart because I weighed 2-2.5 pounds more.  The large shirt was still large; but I need to take care of business so that it doesn’t start to fit.

One of the problems with eating too much is that it can start a cycle of craving those foods, and today I had cravings for more, sweet, food, even though I started out so darn full.  I’m going to have to work on how to handle that urge, especially when it’s coupled with stress, to a satisfactory resolution.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

R2P2D23 – 168.5

Weight: 168.5

I totally stress ate yesterday, including 3 glasses of wine!  Considering how far off protocol I went, I think only a .5 increase is a blessing!

Today was much better,  under control, although I'm transitioning into P3 earlier than the 3 days off shots.  I'm doing that partly because I was hungry the last few days of P2 and partly due to the stress and just not wanting to deal with it .

For dinner I went to Baja Fresh and had their Mango Chipotle Chicken Salad.  Problem was that I ate the whole thing!  I need to learn to stop when I'm full, not when the plate is clean.  I'll probably pay for that tomorrow....

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

R2P2D22 – 168

Weight: 168

I ate more calories last night than I should have again, as I’ve winding down on this round, mentally, so this is a good weight.

Hmmm…I “could’ve” been even less, if I’d eaten fewer calories, huh?  Oh, well.  .5 pounds is not world peace…!

My biggest challenge at this point is to focus on stabilizing on Phase 3 for the next three weeks.  One step at a time….

Monday, October 4, 2010

R2P2D21 – 168.5

Weight: 168.5

I can’t say I’m displeased with this weight, especially in view of having cheated the past few days.  The protocol says to stabilize within 2 pounds of your LIW (last injection weight) which is today.  So, I could even get rid of 2 more pounds and be stabilized, and I have a feeling that may happen.

I am definitely ready for Phase 3!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

R2P2D20 – 168.5

Weight: 168.5

Whew!  I dodged a bullet, I didn’t gain.  I cheated again yesterday, again with more calories, had a couple of handfuls of Quaker Oat Squares, peanut butter and later, grilled pork chops.  Sigh.  Will I never learn to control myself?

On the bright side, I’ve lost 39 pounds since April 15th.  Here’s hoping I can make it total 40 in the next couple of days.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

R2P2D19 – 168.5

Weight: 168.5

I was surprised this morning.  I got on the scale and it said 168.  No way!  I was really hungry yesterday, couldn’t seem to get full and I ate way more than I should have.  So, I was even expecting an increase!

Being that I always weigh more than once, I got fluctuating numbers, between 168.5 and 168, but I got more 168.5’s than 168’s, so went with the higher number.  The way I look at it, if it’s true weight that I’ve lost, then the scale will reflect it tomorrow as a solid number, and if not, I haven’t deceived myself.

I wonder if being so hungry is an indication that I’m starting to get to a point where my body says it’s done this round.  And then I go an drop a pound!  Or, it could be TOM factoring in.  Either way, this 21 day round was a good idea.

Counting today, I’ve got 3 more days left of shots, so at the most I’ll get rid of 3 pounds to make it to my original goal.  That’s what I kick myself about, having cheated the past couple of days, although most of the cheating has been because I was really hungry.

Looking towards the next round, though, cheating affects whether or not I make my actual goal weight, if I “only” lose 10 pounds on Round 3, from where I am today, then I fall short of the goal by 3 pounds.  I’m also trying to keep 3 pounds in perspective; it’s not like global peace is at stake, and neither should the entirety of my self esteem be based on those 3 pounds.

That is rather like life, though…one decision affects something else way down the road that we don’t know about until much later.

Friday, October 1, 2010

R2P2D18 – 168.5

Weight: 168.5

Good!!  Yay!!  I didn’t mess up too badly!  Woo Hoo!  That’s a pound down from yesterday!  I was worried that eating cereal two days ago was going to derail the rest of the round.  Even yesterday I didn’t exactly follow protocol.

I was really  hungry by the time I ate lunch.  I had:

  • 3 ounces of shrimp with garlic and cooked it using some coconut oil (off protocol)
  • a WASA cracker with about a tablespoon of chunky peanut butter (also off protocol)
  • a huge Romaine salad
  • most of a home grown tomato

I figured I’d have the rest  of the tomato and leftover Romaine for a mid-afternoon snack if I needed it.  I never did get hungry in the afternoon.

For dinner I had:

  • leftover salad with tomato, added more Romaine
  • 6 ounces of Tilapia
  • plain WASA cracker.

While the fish is on protocol, the amount should be 3 ounces.  The filet got thawed before cutting it to a smaller portion, and I didn’t want to waste it, so I ate it.  Isn’t that one of the ways we usually get into this mess in the first place?

Because I knew I was over on calories, by quite a bit, actually, I didn’t have the second fruit.  My carb and fat count was pretty low, though, so I was hoping that would work in my favor.

I also wanted to make sure to get enough fluids, thinking I would counterbalance the carbs from cereal; while I did have my two bottles of water, I had several glasses of herbal iced tea.  I strive for counting water only, so I didn’t think I’d gotten enough.

I can really see a difference in the mirror, too.  And I’m finding that I don’t mind looking at myself, even finding a pleasing aesthetic in my female form.

What new possibilities exist?

Thursday, September 30, 2010

R2P2D17 – 169.5

Weight: 169.5

Yesterday, I was really craving carbs, not just something sweet.  I broke down and had a bowl of cereal...then my stomach started to feel bloated almost right away.  Yuck. 

And feeling...I don't know...sort of disappointed, but...conscious...not really self sabotage, I was trying to listen to my body and see what its telling me, but still wondering how this will affect the scale.  Even though I ate off protocol, it wasn’t like I went hog wild with a food frenzy, although I could see where I could have gone down that road.  It wasn’t about filling an emotional need, so there wasn’t that component of a “frenzy”.  I got full, though, and the cereal satisfied the craving and I really didn’t want to eat anything more.  Can I blame it on upcoming TOM?  Oh, just looking for a scapegoat….

The good news this morning is that I’m full, where I have been rather hungry the past few days and having to either drink a bottle of water, cups of tea and coffee or use my Metamucil trick.

I’m just hoping that I don't pay for it over the next week, which is the last of my round.  Sigh.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

R2P2D16 – 169

Weight: 169

WOW!!  That's what I said when I first got on the scale this morning because it said 168.5... but I could never get that back (remember, I always weigh several times) and so I'm going with the higher 169 weight for today's official weight, but I expect I will get 168 tomorrow.  I'm really glad the peanut butter didn't hurt!  Of course, it helped that I didn't go overboard with it either.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

R2P2D15 – 169.5

Weight: 169.5

Wow, I can’t believe how good it feels to finally see a “6”!  I don’t remember seeing a “6” since high school!

I put on my skinny jeans and my new top, which I’ve been avoiding wearing since I washed the skinny jeans and then saw a bit of a muffin top.  Today it is much smaller, and no one noticed, even me, because I was working from home!

Still, I have been a lot more hungry today.  I used my sugar free orange Metamucil trick at 10am, made it to lunch at 12:15, but after even a half hour later, I was still hungry, even with picking another bite off the chicken in the refrigerator.  The nuts in the pantry have been calling my name, but I’ve avoided them.  So, I decided, very thoughtfully, to indulge in a tablespoon of natural, chunky peanut butter, after having waited that half hour.  I sure felt better…as in satisfied and not hungry!

I just hope it won’t backfire on the scale tomorrow, that was the part that was “thoughtful” about my action.  Will I be disappointed because there’s no “6”…?  Will I stall?  I just wanted some more protein!

I only have six more days left of shots, so the amount of weight I can get rid of is pretty limited.  So far I’ve only gotten rid of 8 pounds in 15 days; I think other people lose faster than I do.  Hopefully, I’ll still make it to at least 166, maintain that on P3, and then on to lose the rest of it.

Monday, September 27, 2010

R2P2D14 – 170

Weight: 170

Yay!!  Finally a whole pound down!

While my calories and carbs seem to be up, according to SparkPeople’s nutrition tracker, I avoided the chocolate Stevia all day, for the first time since I got it last week.  I'll try that again today and see if my progress continues.

I also had broccoli for the first time on this round, and it sure was good!  While it's not on the original protocol, my doctor said it was fine to eat.  I had decided though, to try following the original protocol more strictly, hoping to have better progress, so I have avoided it.  I had been concerned that the carbs might be too high, but then I looked at the nutritional information for zucchini, which IS on the list, and it is much higher than broccoli.

So, dinner consisted of grilled ground bison, broccoli, and my multigrain wasa bread.  Pretty good for Monday night football!

Later, for my evening snack, I had a frozen strawberry and iced tea slushy with cinnamon and vanilla Stevia.  Yum!

Seven more days left on this round and am hoping to get rid of at least 5 more pounds.  That will put me at my original goal, which I’ve had for many years.  However, I have recently adjusted it downward, based on how much fat is left in my tummy area, and the fact that I'm not lifting weights anymore, so don't have the lean body mass that I used to have.  It's not about the number, it's about being healthy.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

R2P2D13 – 171

Weight: 171

Anther half pound.  That's not as exciting as last night's Broncos vs Cowboys football game but at least its forward progress…and that’s how you make touchdowns!

I wish I knew what exactly caused the slowdown, which started on Day 5, which isn't very far into the round.  I start getting anxious that I'm not making enough progress, and that that I need to go for a longer round.  My doctor was pretty certain about our approach when we set up the plan, so that's what I'm going to do.  Just have to remind myself that it's OK and I don't have to have it RIGHT NOW!

I’ve been going over my food logs and think that maybe I am taking in too many carbs, but I'll have to go over last round’s data to compare.  I realized yesterday that I've been eating snap green beans, which I didn't realize are not on the protocol, so that could be part of the problem.  While they are healthy, they are not on the approved list of foods, and Dr. Simeon was very specific about the allowed foods that would work.

Onward and downward!


Saturday, September 25, 2010

R2P2D12 – 171.5

Weight: 171.5

I'm surprised that I'm actually down half a pound, considering that I went over 500 calories yesterday.  That is a little bit perplexing in and of itself, because I was eating on protocol.  I have to go for my food logs and figure out where I need to cut back.

I picked up some coconut oil to use for frying, as a friend of mine uses it without a problem, and used a little bit of that last night to cook my shrimp in, so I'm quite pleased that didn't cause a gain.  I don't plan to use it often, as I think steaming or grilling is a better way to go, but it's nice to have some choices.

I use some Smooth Move tea last night without much result, so will try it again today.  Other people swear by it, and now I have a whole box, so might as well!

The dog got me up this morning at 3 AM, and I thought it was going to go back to sleep right away but my husband was a little restless, and I'm a light sleeper, so I've been awake since 3 AM.  Not getting enough sleep will definitely also affect getting rid of the weight, so I'm really looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow.  I know I won't get a nap today, as I will be working on Bronco quilts, and there's the game tonight, and of course homework.

As unsatisfactory as this slowdown is, I can still be in the 160s by next week, and I'm really looking forward to that.

Friday, September 24, 2010

R2P2D11 - 172

Weight:  172

A half pound reduction this early in the round is a bit disappointing, but in thinking about what was different yesterday, I discovered that my hubby used a bit of oil to make the cabbage.  I am going to pick up some coconut oil to see if that would work instead, as I know someone else who uses it without a problem, even though it’s off protocol.

I also have been using a lot of the dark chocolate stevia, so maybe I’ll have to cut that back, too, but it sure is darn good!

My body may also be thinking this is an old setpoint, but if so, I don’t remember when that would have been!

Overall, it’s still a step in the right direction and I just need to keep plugging away.  It’s still a half pound and my tummy isn’t sticking out quite as much and that makes me happy, too!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

R2P2D10 – 172.5

Weight:  172.5

172.5 is my LIW from the last round!  For me, anything below this weight is new territory, and, looking forward, I could be 7 pounds lighter by next Friday... woo hoo!

My mom sent me an article from one of those doctor columns she saw in the newspaper raising alarms about the hCG diet.  Here is my response back to her about her concerns, editing to include only the info on hCG:

Hi Mom,

The article you sent me about the hCG diet is pretty typical as far as the criticisms of it goes. One of the main ones that I find quite stunning is that anyone could, or would, try eating only 500 calories a day to lose weight and would succeed without hCG. I know you've had a lot of experience with 1000 calorie diets; seems to me that you were hungry on that amount, correct? I had a problem the last round with being hungry, and we finally corrected it with increasing the dose of the medicine. I can't imagine being that hungry and not eating more for a long period of time, typically 40 days, such as the critics suggest, and I definitely would say that your body will go into starvation mode with that methodology.

One problem with any diet is when you look at "weight" lost is that people don't look at the fact that you lose quite a bit of muscle on the extreme diets and therefore your lean body mass goes down, which is what perpetuates the ongoing dieting cycle. With hCG, at least in my experience, my muscle mass has not decreased and the fat stores have. So, I disagree with his assertion that "the reason for the weight loss is starvation". Granted, I did not have my body analysis done prior to doing this diet but I have in the past couple of years. I also have the comparisons from when I had it done when I was lifting. Once I get done getting rid of the fat, I plan to get my body analysis done again so I will be able to tell you a comparison from a range of years, and I suspect it will be consistent with anyone who has stopped lifting on a regular basis.

Regarding the symptoms that he lists which are "the symptoms of pregnancy, such as swollen, tender breasts and water retention" I have not experienced those myself and have only heard of a couple of people that might have had an issue with that. Some people have said that they get their period early, more often in a month than normal, or that they have a heavier flow and cramps. I've had a heavier flow and cramps, but I also am in perimenopause and that isn't uncommon either. I've heard many women have hormone related headaches and so I'm sure this protocol could trigger such a problem. Typically, the first week you try the diet you can get a headache, and that is generally attributed to toxins being flushed out of your system. If you think about withdrawal symptoms many people get by not drinking coffee or having sugar, you'll know what I'm talking about. I haven't had a headache this second round.

I haven't heard anyone say they were more depressed or restless by using hCG, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. The author also lists an increased risk of blood clots; I suppose that makes sense if you consider birth control pills will do the same thing and I'm sure there are people out there that are taking this that have that risk in their family and shouldn't be. There are lots of people doing similar things with similar other products.

One point he makes in the article is that you have to get the hCG from a doctor and that is not true, although I have, because I think that's the smart way to go. As I said before, if my doctor had not suggested this diet I would have dismissed it as crazy and never tried it either. Is it a fad? Well, I looked up the definition “fad" and on I found: a temporary fashion, notion, manner of conduct, etc., esp. one followed enthusiastically by a group.

So, I suppose it is a fad because it comes and goes out of popularity, much like following a political figure or the controversy over eggs are good for you, eggs are bad for you now, oh, no, wait eggs are okay. I don't know how long hCG has been around "this time" or if it will really go away or not. I can't even speak to the long-term effects when it comes to 10 years down the road. I do know, however, that I could develop diabetes in that time if I don't get this weight off, have irreparable joint problems, heart problems, or any number of other health issues that could cause long-term damage.

My hope, and goal, is to avoid those things by getting the weight off and keeping it off, and it has been extremely difficult, and disheartening, to get it off with normal methods. If a hormone is going to make me sick, then I would probably already be at risk since I was on birth control for over 20 years, so it would be extremely difficult to attribute an illness to hCG being the specific cause in that regard. I think I'm not alone in that scenario.

"Normal weight people" don't seem to have the compulsion to eat lots of sugar, they stop eating when they are actually full, and if they do have occasional caloric increases like going out to lunch once in a while or having some birthday cake, their body can accommodate them and they don't gain an outrageous amount of weight. This hCG diet is supposed to also reset my body to work like a normal weight person. But, if I went out and ate a bunch of junk food on a regular basis I would definitely regain the fat. Good habits are important, which normal weight people have, and even something as simple as watching portion control on my good food choices is significant and relevant.

I think it's a good thing to look at, and consider, criticisms and concerns of something that is admittedly extreme. I think you can tell that I've thought about it quite a bit, but I'm confident in my decision. I think it's extremely important to continue regular exercise and monitor my diet for overall good health and to maintain my new weight, and that's what I plan to do.

Love and hugs,


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

R2P2D9 – 173.5

Weight: 173.5

A one pound loss from yesterday.  This is slower than the last couple of days, but I feel like I have been flushing out a bad memory, and that I am now back to where I should be starting.  I’m not happy about “re-doing” anything, and this just reaffirms that feeling.  If I had stayed within 2 pounds of my LIW from the last round, I’d be so much further ahead.  Ah, well, can’t do anything about that now, so I’m looking forward….

I should be in the mid-low 160’s by the end of next week!  And I’m only half way through, so that is very encouraging!

Today I was a bit hungrier than I have been, but quite manageable.  This time I’ve had a much easier time staying near the 500 calorie mark, too.

Tons of homework to finish, paperwork to do, and Bronco quilts to make.  And, the BSU vs. Oregon State football game is on this weekend, with ESPN Live in town as well, and yesterday I found out I will have relatives coming through town Monday night, too, so lots of distractions on the horizon.  I’m glad they are stopping by, it will be nice to see them.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

R2P2D8 – 174.5

Weight: 174.5

I was really glad to see this number today, although not entirely surprised.  At this point I’ve seen this number before; I want my body to think this is a high weight, not a low weight.

I am excited for the changes to come!

Monday, September 20, 2010

R2P2D7 – 176.5

Weight: 176.5

Well, I thought I’d be down at least another pound today, for sure!  I drank a bunch of water and didn’t go over my calories, but it’s possible staying up until 2am on Saturday night is causing a delayed reaction.  Oh, well, I’m not going to worry about it!

I’m back to work today after my week long vacation spent with friends and  the quilting conference.  At least I got my Bronco quilt finished last night!


Sunday, September 19, 2010

R2P2D6 – 176.5

Weight: 176.5

Down 2.5 pounds from yesterday…that’s great encouragement!  One thing about it, though, is that because I had initially gotten down to 172, this seems like I haven’t made any progress, I’m just re-working old news.  So, I have to make sure to stay focused on the goal.  On the other hand, because I’ve been here before, maybe it will go faster and I can get onto the work at hand of breaking into the high 160’s.

This being a short 24 day round, I will probably “only” get rid of a total of 15 pounds, so that puts me at my original goal of about 165.  My new goal is about 155 and my doctor confirmed that is a good weight for me.  Keeping that in mind, I’m planning to do a third round to get to my ideal weight.  I’ll finish up and be on the low carb phase near Thanksgiving, which means no stuffing or pie for me, but that’s entirely OK!  I can still have turkey, greens, and low carb cauliflower salad.

It's a sunny day here in Boise, and I need to go work on a quilt I have loaded on my longarm.  I was supposed to have it, and another one, done by this weekend to be able to put it up for sale at the Hyde Park Festival booth, but I'm running behind, with all the traveling and homework in the last two weeks.  So, of course, I had to mess up and sewed the second row design over the top of the first row and had to spend 1 1/2 hours picking out an entire row of quilting that only took me about 20 minutes to put in!  Aarrgh!  Didn't get to bed until 2am.  Since sleep is such an important part of this protocol, I was worried it would mess me up, but I slept in so it looks like I’ll be OK there, at least for now.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

R2P2D5 - 179

Weight: 179

I’m only up 2 pounds over my Monday weight, so I was right, I didn’t gain a lot on the load days.  I hope that doesn’t cause me a problem.

I’m going to the Hyde Park Festival today, but will eat lunch beforehand so I’m not hungry and lose my determination while I’m there.

I’ve got Bronco quilt tops to show, and hopefully people will want to order some!

Friday, September 17, 2010

R2P2D4 – first VLCD

Weight: Unknown

This is the first VLCD (very low calorie day) of this round.  I had not done very well on the load days, I think, because I didn’t really eat a lot of food, at least compared to the first round.  After seeing it written down all at once, though, I may be wrong about that!

The morning after the Kobe beef cheeseburger dinner, I woke up still very full, which was good because I had planned on skipping breakfast.

I was in the airport waiting to fly back from my conference, sipping on a black Americano coffee.  It was interesting to me that I kept “forgetting” that I was on a diet and I wanted to get something to go with my coffee.  I wasn’t exactly hungry by then, it was more a habit and being used to eating what I wanted.  I didn’t get that far, I stayed on task, it’s just a mindset adjustment, starting the protocol while away from home.

During the flight I had more coffee and when I got hungry I just smiled to myself, had a swig of coffee and reminded myself of how good it feels to be lighter, find pretty clothes that fit, and how much more confident I have become.

When I got home I was hungry, and I ate right away.


3 oz grilled chicken breast
2 cups Romaine lettuce
red wine vinegar dressing (home made)


1 whole grapefruit blended into a smoothie with ice and green tea, with vanilla stevia

Note:  I used a whole grapefruit, but the protocol only allows for 1/2 grapefruit

My husband worked late, so I waited for him to come home to eat dinner with, because we’ve been apart for a week, and I was glad when it was ready.


3 oz grilled buffalo burger
1 WASA cracker
2 cups broccoli
(this is also not on the original protocol, but my doc says it’s fine)

Snack - smoothie made up with the following:

4 frozen Costco strawberries (equals about 1 cup)
1 T unsweetened coconut milk beverage (off protocol)
cold green tea

Thursday, September 16, 2010

R2P2D3 – last load day

Weight:  Unknown

I’m still at the conference and have three classes, back to back, with only a half hour between them, so eating consistently will be a challenge.


1 piece of exceptional whole grain bread
spreadable cream cheese
2 eggs
2 slices of cheddar jack deli cheese
2 oz (approx) of thinly sliced deli ham

cooked the whole mess in butter and put on the toast

Mixed nuts


Mango smoothie from Tullys with a scoop of ice cream
apple fritter


Kobe beef cheeseburger
garlic fries
two Black Butte Porter beers
Mile High 10 layer cake with fudge butter cream frosting
scoop of vanilla ice cream

I was so full I couldn’t finish the cake!

R2P2D2 – first load day and shots

Weight: unknown – no scale available

Taking the shot today was very easy.  The needle was smaller than the one yesterday and didn’t even leave a pinprick of a spot on my skin, as before.

I am at a conference this week, and eating the foods necessary on the load days has been a bit more challenging than I anticipated.  Tomorrow will be more so, as I have a full day of classes, without much of a break in between them.  I’m planning to take a bag of nuts with me, that may help.

Already I have not been very hungry these two days, and I’m hoping this is a foreshadowing of things to come!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

R2P2D1 – 177 hCG shots

Weight:  177

Today I started the first shot of hCG for my second round, which will be 21 days worth of shots.  Giving it to myself was totally easy, too, which completely surprised me, especially since I hate needles; I’ve even jumped so badly before that my skin has torn and the nurse had to stick me again!  I got some good tips yesterday from a diabetic friend of mine, worked like a charm.

The weight is from yesterday’s weigh in.  I also recorded my measurements yesterday, as I am traveling this week and didn’t bring the heavy scale with me.  I should have taken a “before” picture yesterday, too, but I have been fighting a cold, which is now moving into my chest, and wasn’t thinking of that in the morning when my husband was around to take the picture.  The friend I’m staying with doesn’t even own a scale!  I’ll have to do it on Friday, which will be my first VLCD; I’m not asking my friend to take a picture of my fat belly!

Today is the “eat like normal” day, and then the next two days are the load days.  I already have my eye on a Quizno’s double cheese cheese steak sandwich.  I looked up the fat grams on their website…52 grams of fat in a regular sized sandwich.  Shocking!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Trip Summary

Weight: 176

In the past week I’ve gone from 183 to 176.  What a wild ride!

I flew to New Hampshire to visit family (those kids sure grow fast, don’t they?), I signed up for a quilt conference, I’ve gone to a Washington Nationals baseball game against the New York Mets, then off to the Boise State vs. Virginia Tech football game, where I yelled myself hoarse, BTW, and now I have a cold.  Ugh to that!

In that whole experience, I exercised once (boy, did that feel good!) and ate what I would call one really good meal; it was a pound of Gulf Coast shrimp, steamed, with a side of steamed broccoli, and I felt the best after that meal.  I didn’t get nearly as much water as I had intended, on any day.

I did not take a scale with me on the trip so I was shocked that I was over 180, but I certainly didn’t expect to be at 176 today.  My chiropractor was right, it was mostly water weight.

I’m getting ready to start the protocol again on Wednesday.  This time I’m doing the shots.  I’m not looking forward to sticking myself, but I’ll get through it; if it goes better than before then I’ll only have to do one round.  I have another 20 pounds to get rid of and this time will be a short 21+3 (24) day round.  I looked back on my previous stats and I had lost about 13 pounds in 20 days last time, so I’m looking to do at least the same this time.

I’ve been really busy since school started.  I’m making a concerted effort to keep a realistic To Do List, though, and that is keeping me sane.  Interestingly, as much as I love gadgets, I love my paper lists.

This cold, however, has me in a low energy mode and I need to get at least one Bronco quilt done this weekend, pickling some cucumbers, working on paperwork and getting ready for my quilt conference, not to mention trying to get a lot of sleep…and I still seem to be on East coast time, so I have been waking up at 3am.  I have no time for being sick!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Phase 4 – Eating Out

Weight:  177.5

Yesterday I weighed 175 and was glad to be back in “neutral territory”, so to speak.  I went to get my haircut and ran errands, so, of course, while I was out I got hungry.  I decided to go to Baja Fresh, as they use fresh ingredients and, as restaurants go, I figure they are a pretty good place to eat.  I usually order the Mango Chicken salad and have to resist eating the shell.  Instead, I had one of their new Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad Burritos and a Coke Zero.  After all, I’m supposed to be able to eat stuff like this, once in awhile, right?  Well, I gained 2.5 pounds.

This morning I looked up the nutritional information…Oh, my!!…940 calories and 75 grams of carbs!!!

And today, my husband wants to go to the Fair because he wants to…eat lunch at the Fair…that’s what being able to handle extra calories does for a person.   Um, honey, I need to eat at home first….

This doesn’t exactly bode well for my upcoming trips.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Phase 4 – Second Week Summary

Weight: 176

Well, my weight has been up all week, since the big jump on Monday.  It’s been a really stressful week at work, what with the start of school, and I’m sure the stress hormones don’t help, either. 

I worked out on Wednesday; I was shocked by another pound gain up to 177.  My first reaction was “oh no, I'm not going to let THAT happen!”  It felt good to get on the elliptical and with the hot weather it's a perfect solution.  It’s easy to let that habit slip, especially now that there’s homework to do, football games are on, the garden is pushing out produce to can, and helmet liners and quilts need to be made.

I’ve really been looking forward to starting the new rounds, though; this diet brings a lot of structure to one’s life, having only certain things you are allowed to eat.  And, I can’t wait until I can drop this extra weight.

With so much going on, I won’t be keeping up with a daily progress posting until I start the shots in mid-September.  Hopefully by then I’ll have a routine down and everything under control….yeah, right!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Phase 4 – Start of Week 2

Weight: 176

I had a 3 pound weight increase in one day.  Yesterday I weighed 173, and I had been on the low end of the 170’s all week.

While that’s a bummer, yesterday was the first time I recall having blood sugar issues since starting the hCG diet, and it happened twice yesterday.  I try to eat high protein items, but when my blood sugar drops, all is fair game; I eat anything and everything in sight, and I eat often.  I’m certain that is the reason for the increase, along with not drinking enough water.

My husband bought a new breakfast sausage, Sweet Apple chicken sausage, which I suspect is the root of the problem.  Because he was trying to surprise me, I didn’t get to review the ingredients ahead of time.  While it was gluten free, it had 10 grams of carbs, mostly from the maple sugar and evaporated cane juice.  I thought it would be OK; after all, I have been eating more carbs.

I will not be eating that product again.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Phase 4 – Day 2

Weight: 175.5

Well, I went a little overboard with the carbs yesterday... honeydew melon, chocolate ice cream (dairy free), and cereal before bed!  So, I'm not really surprised that my weight is up, just 3 1/2 pounds is a little surprising!

I had really wanted some chocolate yesterday, so after dinner I had a wonderful coconut milk double-dark chocolate dairy free “ice cream” with fresh strawberries, and it was wonderful.  I ended up staying up too late, and I have a bad habit of eating instead of going to bed, hence my “cereal before bed” habit.

I drank two bottles of water yesterday, so I'll keep that up today and I think my weight will stabilize again…especially if I start using some common sense.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Phase 4 – Day 1

Weight: 172

I figure I’m down today because I didn’t eat very much yesterday, but it sure was nice to see the low number!

I’m going to have some honeydew melon with lunch today as an additional healthy carb, so we’ll see how it goes.  I haven’t had any of that all summer, although I did have a small sliver of cantaloupe the other day, and it was fabulous!

I’m getting ready to do some canning this week so I’ll be getting out the supplies and reading my recipes.  I’ve got sweet pickle relish and plum jam on the menu, I’ll post how it goes.  They will make great gifts.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Last Day of Phase 3 – Day 21

Weight: 175

I woke up pretty full this morning so I wasn't really surprised that I was up a pound over yesterday’s weight.

They say that strenuous exercise can cause a weight gain as well.  I did some in-depth housecleaning yesterday; I have the sore upper back and hip muscles this morning to prove it!  Some people might read that and think "what a wuss" but you have to understand…when I clean house it's aerobic housecleaning, and it goes on for hours!

My husband cooked a really great steak last night.  I had broccoli and some fried shrimp with it, too.  There were carbs in the coating for the fried shrimp; this is the same shrimp I had the other day when my weight went up then, too.  Later, I had a bowl of cereal before I went to bed.  So, you might say that I didn't exactly finish out “no carbs” and “no sugar” like I was supposed to, but today is my last official day of Phase 3.

I took my measurements today and they really haven't changed from a month ago, although my tummy is a tiny bit bigger.  I’ve felt a little bit more bloated in general so that doesn't surprise me.  I'm suspecting the additional sugars may be triggering some of the Candida so I need to really watch my sugar intake.  That works well in my plan to continue with a fairly low carb diet over the next 2 to 3 weeks.  I will consider myself successful if I can maintain the same measurements and weight until I start Round 2.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Phase 3 – Day 20

Weight: 174

Well, I'm not sure if I am unhappy about being up a pound from yesterday or if I'm happy about simply weighing the same as I did a week ago.  I think I'll choose happy!

I only have one more day left on Phase 3, so Monday is the beginning of Phase 4…eating well, to fuel the rest of my life.

This past week has been a more interesting one, weight-wise, for me than the past two weeks because I have fluctuated the most this past week.  I suspect this is true because of cheating with carbs and sugars, like having the chocolate zucchini bread, when I have cheated.  This is also a week earlier than I should have eaten any of that, no matter how small the amount.  Since I can't take that back, the only thing to do is to move forward.

I really do like following a low-carb diet and will probably continue this way.  I think that if I start eating more bread and other sugars, especially still needing to get rid of another 15 pounds, I'll set myself back and possibly bring back the Candida.  It will be nice though, not having to worry so much about it if I do decide to have some carbs.